Chapter 22

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I looked at her carefully making sure that she had left safely in her car. The love I have for this girl is undeniable, I am in love with her, in love with her beauty, he eyes, her smell, her walk, her clothes. All these aspects put together defined the glamorous and warm-hearted Melissa.

She was going to be my future wife with no doubt, nothing will come in the way between us, she will be mine forever, we will grow old and have lots of children together, little Andrews and Melissas. The thought of that happening makes me stiffen below. I know its wrong to think of a girl in a dirty way, but who cares, she wasn’t a ganga, she was going to be my future wife and I could do whatever the hell I wanted. I’m going to fuck her 24/7. I’ll never leave her.

My phone vibrates, its Joey. I pick up and answer. “Hello.”

“Hey brother, where are you?” he questions me.

“Shu mate, I was just with the Mrs having some time”, I reveal.

“I’m going to pick you up”, he demands.

“Okay I’m waiting”, I state. I give me my exact whereabouts.

I sit down on the footpath, people walk past me gawking in all sorts of fashions, some girls flirting, sorry ladies I’m taken, and some men just staring, must be my humongous biceps.

Half-an-hour later, Joey’s infamous Subaru parks aside. He beeps the horn signalling me to enter his car.

I open the door and get in sharing our infamous handshake in the process.

We drive around Sydney, bored, nothing to do. I see a couple of girls walking down, clearly finished off from the alcohol and clubbing.

I pull down the window, “Shu baby”, I shout.

I press the button bringing the window up. I look to see Joey presenting me with a death stare, partial anger filled with contempt and scorn.

I frown. “What’s with the stare bro.”

He looks forward onto the road as we come to a stop on the red light. He begins to shake his head and giggle.

What was he on about? Was he high?

He turns around and gawks. “Your funny Andrew.”

“Why?” I ask intrigued with his view.

“Because you’re not serious about your relationship with Melissa,” he dictates.

“Bro, I’m in love with her, where gonna get married soon”, I advise.

“Please man don’t make me laugh. She doesn’t know the real you. Look at yourself, did you see what you just did to those girls on the road?” he questions.

I chuckle. “Every guy does that bro, especially when they’re with mates”.

“No they don’t, especially when they are in a committed relationship like you, some guys do do that Andrew, but they’re not serious like you, and based on the way you describe Melissa, they sure wouldn’t as hell try to ruin that type of relationship knowing what an amazing person she is and what type of ass you are,” he advises.

I nod my head in agreement. “You’re right brother, I can’t ruin my relationship with her, not like the others. She’s different. I’m lucky that have her, you don’t find girls like that anymore,” I state.

He smiles. “Well that’s a main reason to keep her, don’t let her go whatever you do, don’t fuck it up like you did with the others”.

I look at him in awe. “What did I do to the others?”

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