Chapter 4

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In a house located in Sydney suburbia lived a married couple and their baby, they had it all; the wealth, the lifestyle, the looks and what most couples dream of; a baby boy named Samuel. The wife; Georgie and the husband Alex. They lived a happy life in the eyes of Georgie, a facade a cover to allow people to view their lifestyle as convention, normal for that matter. But in the eyes of Alex, it was a dark predicament, a secret that no soul should no other than his close circle of friends. What this secret beholds is the few little words that will destroy his family and everything he lived for.

Georgie the helpless and tender wife obeying her husband, performing her daily duties, and caring for the one loving being in her life more than her husband and parents; her baby. The one that needed her and the one she needed most. Most people envy Alex on his marriage; he was the one that got the special one; the girl that everyone dreamed of and would’ve killed for, and to think after one year of happy marriage that he would do what he does is an astonishing situation degrading him to the back of shoe.


‘Beep Beep’ the alarm rings. “Oh”. 6 am. I wake up knowing Alex will be awake and ready for work in half-an-hour. He’s trade work not only drive him crazy but is on the verge of making me insane. Just a year ago I would have been snuggling warm in my bed waking up no earlier than 9am awaiting my mother’s cup of coffee. It was the good times. Now after being married the hard work has started. Although I was raised in a good environment, I learnt he basic of marital life before I was engaged, this included cooking and cleaning. I glance towards Alex side of the bed sleeping peacefully. Why did I love him so much?

I was hitting 26 and him on the verge of 32. I knew he was much older than me but it was accepted in my culture as well as his. As we developed into a couple there were many things that we learnt about each other, aspects that we both loved and aspects that we liked. We met nearly a year and a half ago; me just 24 and he 30. He was still living the single life “a player” in modern day times; all his mates around him were tieing the knot, he seemed disinterested at first but his friends provoked him into a real relationship, then we met, he asked for my hand in marriage, we got engaged and then soon wed. Three months later I fell pregnant with my beautiful Sammy; a day I couldn’t never forget, the time I came back from the doctors and decided to tell Alex. I called him to meet up on his lunch break at nearby cafe, as we finished and began to stroll back to his jobsite I broke the news.

“Ale-exx”, I purr.

“What’s wrong darling”, he says calmly.

I looked down trying to hide the news, I thought maybe he didn’t want to have children and this would disappoint him.

He stopped, he always had a thing where he could read people, even if they were very good at hiding.

“Are you going to tell me or do I need to force it out of you”, he threatens hastily.

“Umm.. Umm. I don’t know how to tell you this,” I say looking up.

“What’s wrong, tell me, anything he wrong with family,” he says stressed.

 “I’m pregnant!” I blurt out quickly ducking my head down.

He stares at me bewildered and a wild child like smile appears on his face.

“You’re pregnant!” he says loudly lifting me into the air and then cuddling me.

“Aww... Be careful,” I warn

“Oh I’m sorry”, he says genuinely apologetic.

“Come on lets go”, he calls.

“Go where, you have work and I have my car”, I reply.

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