Chapter 24

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The night breeze blew upon me as I staggered down, my hands leaving the window seal falling down with force. It occurred spontaneously, almost like a dream, one moment living in the moment, taking every aspect in, analysing it and making sense of it. You then suddenly wake up with disappointment to find that it was just a dream, attempting to piece back the unfamiliar sketches that you want to remember so bad, unable to.

No thought had gone in to my plan, where was I going to land, in a garden, on the concrete. Would I break my neck, my leg or my arm? Or worse, be so hurt, handicap, unable to move due to injury and Noah finding me and taking me back. It would’ve been all for nothing. Breaking or injuring myself would be a deadly consequence and warm-up to the penalty Noah will put me through.

“AHHHH”, I screech. Kicking my legs in the air like a  toddler being picked up against his will.

Noah has me! Noah!

His muscular hands attempted to pull me up with my hair. I cried in agony. His hands met my shoulders as he attempted to lift me up and force me back through the window. How?

I was too quick for him. How? Was my expeditiousness not enough?

Noah dragged me through the window, the hard metallic edges made contact with my spine. My bottom made contact with the inside of the window ledge, Noah demonstrated no mercy.

My hair still placed in his hands was a means of grapple. Noah dragged me down to the floor, I plunged a metre and landed on top of the broken glass. My body thudded against the floor as my bones grieved in agony.

He was mad!

He turned me around on my back and jumped on me, almost like a hunter, attempting to massacre its prey before it escaped. He gripped my hands and placed them by my side.

“You bitch! You fucking fucking slut”, he screeched, each profanity worse than the previous one.

I cried in vain, and attempted to fight him, who was I kidding. He was a monster, a reinforced beast who delighted in the pleasure of seeing an innocent damsel like myself suffer.

“Why did you try to escape?” he roared.

I didn’t respond.

He continued to ululate. “What the fuck where you thinking? Answer me you dumb cunt!”

I remained silent looking into his eyes. He removed his grip from my arms. Just as I though he was going to show some restraint, he lifted his arm up into the air and brought it down hammering  my shoulder. He hit and slapped me all over my body like a maniac. I screamed and shrieked in pain, angry that no one could hear me in this deserted area, angry my plan had gone to ruins. Now I’d never have a change to reclaim my freedom, I’d be stuck in here with him forever.

Noah began jabbing at my stomach, I squawked in agony, there was no word to describe the feeling. An feeling you would never even wish upon your worst enemy. He slapped me violently, blood running down the side of my face, the metallic taste was present in my mouth.

Just when that wasn’t enough, he lifted my body and began to thud it into the hard cold ground, after the fourth time my head managed to till back and make contact with the solid surface. Everything became fuzzy, everything became dark, Noah’s eyes grew almost knowing that he had done something wrong, something terrible. Serenity overcame my body as my eyes became droopy, shutting themselves down by force.



ALYSSA!” he screeched as I drifted off, he slapped my face in attempt to revive me.

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