"I-I see...Then lets start now!" Yuma said enthusiastically.

"So you accept my terms?" Danzo asked.

"Of course, I will become your tool even, if it allows me to become as strong or better than Sasuke and Naruko then i'm in!"

"I have one last question for you, Yuma." Danzo said.

"What is it?" Yuma asked with a raised brow.

"If you have heard the rumors of what I am then surely you have heard of the things you'll have to do once joining my ranks in the future. Why would you want to go through that only for power?" Danzo asked.

Yuma looked down at the ground, thinking it over, before looking Danzo in the eyes.

"Because i'm...I'm..."

His eyes filled up with a fire that would not die down, fierce determination over taking him in its wake.

"I'm sick of always being in their shadow!"

Danzo froze, a brief image of him looking up at Hiruzen's coronation as Third Hokage with disdain flashing in his mind. His hands shook at his side with an excitement that he hadn't felt in years. A wide, Cheshire like grin overtook his face, as he became filled with an emotion he could only describe as understanding. Before him he saw not only himself, but also a boy who could very well be his successor one day. With the intense beating of his heart, and a genuine smile that had never been seen on Danzo Shimura's face for ages, he responded to Yuma's fervent proclamation.

"Good, I will train you until the weak you standing before me shatters and leaves behind a person worthy of being called strong, Yuma Ito!"


Inari awoke with a long yawn, wiping at his eyes in a child like manner. He crawled out of his bed, briefly bumping into a chair at his bedside. On it was a plate with rice, eggs, toast and a note. He looked at the note curiously and picked it up while munching on the piece of toast.

"Morning Inari, I am unable to await your awakening due to urgent business. After waking you should go to Lord Kakumei's office as soon as your finished eating, from Konan. P.S. A set of clothes await you under the bed." He read aloud, before smiling to himself once seeing who had wrote it.

After eating his food, and changing his clothes, he walked out of the room, shielding his eyes only to be met with dreary clouds.

'Oh, no morning sun huh? That makes sense, considering...' He thought, looking at the rainy scenery out the window.

He walked down the long hallway not paying attention to his surroundings. He looked out the windows lining the hallway, looking at all the villagers living their daily lives. Before he realized it, his eyes began wetting as he started to liken the villagers of the rain to those he knew and grew up with in the wave. He wiped his eyes, turning around, only to bump into someone.

"Ow..." Inari grunted as he fell onto his bum, his ears catching a boisterous laughter from above him.

"Sorry about that kid, but you should really watch were your going!" A familiar voice called out to Inari, as he looked upwards and saw who it was.

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