39. Confronting Fears

Start from the beginning

'But how could people like Olivia not realise what he was doing? She was adamant he was innocent.'

'He fooled me for a long time and I'd been in an abusive relationship. I knew what signs to look out for but I didn't see it. Admittedly, I was away tracking. Looking back, I think that's why he got me to be a tracker so I wasn't around as much to spot the signs.' 

Doll looks out the window. 'Then again, maybe I would still have been as clueless as the rest. He was clever in how he chooses his victims. He'd distance them for any family members or friends. He'd say things to convince them that if they told anyone they'd be rejected. For example, Klein made the village believe Ethel slept with multiple men in the village, she wasn't but he fuelled the rumour which made it harder for her to speak out because she thought less people would have believed her story. Some of the others victims were in relationships but he got close to them, made them feel special and then told them they had asked for it, that if they said anything to anyone he'd tell their partners they were having an affair.'

Doll sighs. 'He knew how to manipulate people and isolate them. I spoke to a few victims but none of them were confident enough to come forward. When one finally did and everyone turned on her, it eliminated any chance of any further victims coming forward, especially when a few of the other leaders where also involved in the abuse. Also, Klein had lots of good friends who supported him. Like Olivia who was incredibly close to Klein, she was adamant he would never act inappropriately, he'd always been nothing but a gentleman around her.' 

Doll shakes her head in frustration. 'I never understood how someone so clever could also be so thick. I mean abusers don't abuse everyone they come into contact with.'

'Why did Faith and Raz leave there?' I ask.

'Klein started abusing Faith after her dad died. Raz figured out what was going on, confronted Faith but she was adamant she didn't want to tell anyone so they left. When she found out she was pregnant Raz pretended to be the father to stop people from asking questions.' Doll looks down at her food and prods it. 'They'd never even kissed. They were just good friends. Raz's mum had been given a copy of the map Roman made. She'd passed the map to Raz when he confided in her about Faith. I don't think he planned on staying but when she ended up being pregnant he took on responsibility. He was trying to do right by Faith which no one had done for his mum.'

I nod in understanding. Raz's mum had been given a map because she was a victim.

Doll clears her throat. 'I'm going to find Jerico, see what's going on. The sooner I can leave this place the better. Will you be alright here?'


The door closes behind Doll as I get up and walk around the room. I circle it again then stop at the door and push a button.

The door opens.

Glancing around, I dart into the hallway. No one stops me. I walk through the maze of hallways, passing people who look at me curiously. Still, no one stops me.

I'm not sure how long I've been walking for but I finally found the correct door. Inside the men's toilet, I head for the end cubicle, ignoring the man washing his hand in the sink.

Standing on the toilet seat, I push open the window, climb out and jump, my bare feet landing onto the damp soft earth.

Weaving around trees and stepping over logs, my feet sink into the wet decaying leaves. My heart pumps rapidly as my body drives me forward.

I stop once I'm standing at the edge of the woods. Crouching down, I position myself so I'm tucked out of sight but I can still watch the cabin and I wait for a glimpse of my parents, slightly unsure if I really want to see them.

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