27. Odd Trio

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Stretching out my legs and arms, the leather sofa squeaks underneath me and I groan as the familiar agony caused by hours of cycling hits me.

My muscles are achy and stiff, and I know it's only going to feel worse tomorrow. A lot worse. At least, when we finally stopped last night at several large buildings we found one which contained a variety of sofa's rather than a hard floor. 

Opening my eyes, morning light streams in through the front of the building which is partly glass but mostly empty frames. I sit up and look around; behind me, a wide staircase leads to another level of beds which makes me groan again.

Seriously? There were beds here the whole time.

'Yep, we all slept on sofa's when there was over a dozen beds to choose from a few metres away. Serves us right for not using a torch when we got here.' Roman walks over to me.

'I didn't bring a torch.' My voice sounds gruff from sleep and thirst. Rubbing my eyes, I sit up and my whole body creaks.

'Me neither. Looks like this will probably be a recurring problem.' Roman sits beside me and offers an open half-eaten jar. 'I couldn't find any cutlery.'

'I didn't bring cutlery either,' I sigh, taking the jar from him.

Cas rolls onto her side on the sofa opposite us. 'You two are really prepared for this trip. Not.'

'What have you got?' I ask.

'Beauty, intelligence, sass...I could continue but I don't want you to feel inferior.' Cas smirks.

Zach continues to have the best smirk. A smirk I need to forget.

Cas sits up rubbing her neck. 'I had a crap sleep. Got any food for me?'

Roman pulls out a jar from his bag and throws it over to her. She unscrews the lid and stands up. 'I'm going to have a look around.'

'Don't take too long, we're leaving in a minute,' Roman says.

Cas waves her hand dismissively as she walks off.

I slowly tip the contents of the jar into my mouth and chew. Me and Roman sit in silence, and I shuffle on the sofa awkwardly. I don't know Roman or Cas very well. Why couldn't Bo have volunteered to come? Because he thinks Zach is an idiot and not in an attractive sexy way like I thought. Like I continue to think.

Being here now is so different to all my time spent wandering with Zach. With Zach, I felt at ease and I felt good. I was confident and hopeful. Part of me can't believe how I was so oblivious to what he had planned. Another part of me wants to believe it wasn't all an act that maybe he felt a little of what I did.

I clear my throat. 'Haiden mentioned you and Ethel are together.'

'We're not.' Roman exhales and leans back against the sofa.

'I didn't think so.'

'It was the simplest explanation.'

'You mean it was the easy option for you.'

Roman shrugs. 'And, maybe, that's ok. Sometimes people need to take the easy option. Life's already tough, I don't see the point in making it more difficult, especially when you can't change it.'

'Haiden knowing who her father is would make her life better.' I tip the rest of the contents of the jar into my mouth.

'Haiden fancying her possible father would not make her life better. I think Haiden is my daughter because Virulence affected her the same way it affected me. Bo and his dad both had the same damage, as did Klein and his brother, but I can't be certain I'm her father and Fara doesn't have access to the sort of equipment to prove paternity. Also, I don't want to tell her she's a product of rape. Even if I'm the father, technically, I was the rapist. Klein forced me but it was still me who did it.' Roman frowns and rubs his face. 'As for Me and Ethel, we may not officially be together but we have an understanding.'

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