31. Petrified

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Our heavy breathing fills the silent still air. Ignoring the skeletons of different animals we pass, I focus on the beautiful forest around us. This is one of the few forests they never managed to burn down or clear.

It's beautiful but I'm too petrified to appreciate it.

'How much longer? My back is about to break under the weight of this bag,' Cas grumbles behind me as we continue to walk uphill on the rocky, uneven ground.

'That's what happens when you load a bag with half a house,' Roman mutters. 'This isn't a holiday, you don't need to collect souvenirs.'

'One, this is the closest thing I will experience to a holiday and two, I don't know what souvenirs are. I have gifts for everyone back home. I got a bunch of baby clothes and children's toys, some really interesting looking board games and DVDs. It's about time we expand our movie night selection.'

'You could have found all that in the town near us,' Roman says flatly.

'Could have, should have, blah blah. You, Bo and Kit all sound the same,' Cas huffs. 'Anyway, Dolly only lets me take fun stuff if we have space after we collect the useful stuff and we never have space.'

'Organise an outing with some of the others where you go looking for fun stuff then,' Roman says.

There's silence for a bit then Cas says, 'You'd let me do that?'

'Of course. Haiden and Kit went out to collect seeds. Admittedly, it didn't go as planned but once everything settles with Klein, there's no reason you can't go out with others, as long as you arm yourself appropriately and notify us that you're leaving so we don't worry.'

'I didn't think you'd trust me enough to let me lead something.'

'We trust you, Cas, it's why we ask so much of you,' Roman sighs.

'Wow, this holiday has been a real bonding experience, Roman. I now see you as a human being rather than an authority figure I despise,' Cas says.

Roman mumbles something under his breath which I don't hear.

'Do you think things will settle with Klein?' I ask.

'Me and Ethel will have to sort something out,' Roman says unconvincingly. 'Quiet now. The village is just ahead.'

The village isn't anything like I imagined. In my head, I pictured something similar to the Naturalist settlement.

This place looks like a brand new town.

Two-storey houses with large glass windows are scattered on a slope overlooking a large grassy area with a playground. Several children are playing in the playground, while older children stand around talking.

Everything looks so normal.

The three of us are crouched down on the edge of the forest, hidden by a fallen tree.

'This place looks amazing,' Cas whispers. 'I'm not going to lie, from what I've heard about this place, I imagined everyone naked and men pumping women at every available minute. I may have also imagined a fire, one they jump over naked.'

'This isn't a demented version of The Wicker Man.' Roman shakes his head.

'What's The Wicker Man?' I ask.

'A really creepy but very good film. We'll watch it when we get back,' Cas says. 'Now, what's the plan?'

'Klein's house is there,' Roman gestures at a house on the edge. 'I doubt he will keep them there though.'

'How big is this place?' I ask.

'It has about fifty houses all with a similar layout. Living area and bathroom downstairs, two rooms upstairs.' Roman takes off his bag, opens it and pulls out his gun. 'Let's watch and wait for a bit.'

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