6. Complete Opposites

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Haiden and me are nothing like twins, we're not even remotely similar. In fact, I will go as far to say we are opposite in almost every way possible: physically, mentally and verbally.

'This is my greenhouse. I work in here for a few hours, before and after lunch, instead of being on field duty. In terms of carpentry, there are only a few of us who know anything and even then, most of what I know was passed down from this woman called Jesse. She died about five years ago when Outsiders raided us one night. We haven't had any problems recently with Outsiders. Last time was a few years ago when they stole some babies. That was horrible. One of the mum's of the babies ended up committing suicide.' Haiden pauses and leans forward to touch my arm. I jerk back so her hand only touches air.

Haiden frowns. 'Are you ok, Kit? You look a little pale.'

No, I'm not ok. I'm just trying to keep up with the speed at which you speak, that I'm guessing is currently ranging at a million words per second, while processing everything you say. And when I was told the Drifters were fake, I assumed our settlements were the only survivors. Now, I'm being told there are lots of people, including outsiders who kill people and steal babies causing mums to commit suicide. 'Fine. I'm tired that's all.'

'It must be tough out there. Cas told me you came with your boyfriend, something about you not being able to stay in your community. You two must really love each other to risk everything and go wandering out there. What's it like travelling just the two of you? Did you come across anyone else? What did you eat? Where did you stay? Do you think you'll stay here?'

I blink several times.  'I'm not sure whether we'll stay or not. We're going to see how it goes.'

'Where you came from, were you born there or did you join it later? Is it a big community? I wish this was bigger. Sometimes it can get a little dull here, especially as half our community is under the age of ten. Have you been introduced to anyone? Not that there's a lot to meet. I know you met Doll, Cas and Bo as they found you. Ethel and Roman are the current leaders. We can do the rounds at lunchtime. I'll introduce you to everyone. It won't take long.' Haiden smiles widely.

'That would be nice.' Walking around the perimeter of the half-empty Greenhouse, I inspect the one side which is full of overgrown pots of mint. The other side is covered in piles of empty containers. 'What are you doing in here?'

'I'm trying to grow plants which we can use for drugs. And when I say drugs, I mean not druggy drugs but, you know, useful drugs. Saying that, if I could find some druggy drug seeds I think I'd still give a shot at growing them, they could be useful. I'm not talking hardcore ones but, you know, some fun ones which make you hallucinate or feel a bit spaced out. Don't tell Ethel and Roman I said that, they'll stop me from doing this if they think I'm aiming to turn into some Drug-lord, and I really don't want to work out on the field pulling weeds and growing vegetables. It's so boring. That's the great thing about working in here, I get to avoid field duty.' Haiden inhales deeply.

I don't understand most of what she's said however I've found a similarity. We both hate fieldwork.

'So, you're trying to grow plants which can be used for medicinal purposes? All by yourself?' I ask for clarification.

'Yeah, but as you can see, it's not going very well. Apart from supplying our community with an abundance of mint, I haven't managed to source anything else.'

'Mint is a great start though.' I rub a mint leaf between my fingers. 'Promotes digestion, soothes stomach aches, nausea and headaches. It's antibacterial too, so great to clean your mouth and body with.'

'You're into medicinal plants too?' Haiden asks.

'Not specifically. I like to identify plants but, like you, I don't enjoy working in the fields. My settlement focussed on everything being as natural as possible. We not only grew vegetables but also anything which could be used for washing, medicine, that sort of thing.' The smell of mint causes a stab to my gut and my eyes sting with the thought of my family back at the Naturalist settlement.

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