25. Plan To Take Action

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My foot taps nervously on the floor. Staying indoors means I'm simmering with frustration which is threatening to boil over at any moment. However, going outside to undertake fieldwork or collect water is hardly going to get rid of the sensation of dread crawling across my skin. It's also not worth the risk if it will end in Klein's people trying to attack this building. I have to stay hidden for this plan to work; for Klein to think I've left here in an attempt to find Zach.

Yawning for the millionth time, I glance out the window at the sun which has been creeping across the sky. The day is dragging and I'm exhausted. I haven't been back to sleep and the events of the last few days are catching up on me. 

Although, I already know even if I tried I wouldn't be able to sleep. Zach has made sure of that.

'You should take a nap. You look tired,' Haiden says, giving me a concerned look.

'I'm fine.' I squirm in the seat next to Haiden's bed, unable to keep still. I'd be pacing if she let me; she said it makes her nervous.

Haiden's been moved to a room next to Ethel and Roman's office. Every time I hear their door open, I wait in anticipation for them to come in here and tell me there's been some news, any news would do. Ethel has been in contact with Zach's mum who, unfortunately, didn't reveal her plans.

'The community, Klein's one, is it far?' I ask.

'Yeah, it's over twenty hours of constant cycling, double that if you walk.' Haiden attempts to sit up and winces. I grab her arm and adjust the pillows behind her to give her more support. The speed at which I touched her without hesitating takes me by surprise. Haiden smiles. 'Thanks. You know they have trucks so it takes them a quarter of the time to travel compared to a bicycle.'

'I know they have trucks.' I sit back in the chair and bite my fingernails.

'Don't do anything stupid, Kit. Roman will figure something out. He always does,' Haiden sighs.

Roman also lies. Like he's lying about where you were born and who your parents are.

'Anyway, I need to tell you some sad news. Me and Roman aren't going to happen. He told me; him and Ethel are together. Can you believe it? I didn't see that coming. I don't know how though. I mean, I know they spend a lot of time together so it's kind of inevitable but I still don't see it. I guess she's older, more mature, guys love that don't they? Mature and experienced.'

Roman also loves being a massive coward and a liar too. 'I'm sorry,' I say.

'At least, I'm getting the full teenage experience. Unrequited love... check, heartbroken...check. Now, all I need is some rebound fling. Maybe, I'll get drunk at a party, dance all sexy and pick up a random guy to pop my cherry, then I'll screw him until the cows come home.'

'I don't have a clue what half of that means but if it will make you feel better, go ahead,' I shrug.

'You're a bad friend, Kit. You're meant to tell me I'm strong and amazing, and that I don't need a guy to make me feel better.'

'You are strong and amazing, and you don't need a guy to make you feel better, but I think you know that already.' I force a smile and tuck my legs into my chest.

'Ok, I lied, you're the greatest friend ever.' Haiden beams.

The door opens, and I jump to standing. My heart beats erratically and my mind conjures up a million possibilities of what I'm going to be told has happened, some fill me with dread and others fill me with hope. Staring expectantly at Roman as he walks in, he shakes his head and I know he's not here to give me any new developments; Zach is still missing.

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