Only Then

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Im worried about him I haven't heard from Liam about him in what feels like weeks. Has it been weeks? How long have I been in here? I should've made tick marks on the wall to keep track but that was the least of my concerns. I wanted Harry I need him here with me, my chest feels tight.

"Liam let me see him please, I just need to know he's alive." I say to the window in front of me.

It was the only window in here and they could see me but I couldn't see them. I feel like some newly discovered caged animal being watched by some scientists, studied. It wasn't too much longer after saying that, that the door opened and in stumbled a beaten and wounded Harry. I felt tears well up in my eyes seeing him weakly stumble over to me.

"Harry what have they done to you?" I tried reaching him but couldn't the chains I was bounded by prevented that.

His eye was purple and swollen I was sure something was broken, he couldn't move his arm. Which was also bruised and swollen. I felt sick. I swore I wasn't going to ask about him but I couldn't bare it any longer I needed to see him. Harry looked at me silently, I see a tear fall down his cheek.

"We'll make it baby remember that okay? I love you don't you die on me!" I say.

Liam walks over grabbing him jerking him up roughly earning a groan from him.

"Please don't hurt him anymore Liam I deserve it not him." I beg.

"Shut up!" Liam hisses before heading out the room slamming the door behind him.

I'm alone again why hasn't anyone found us yet? Why won't Liam hurt me? He needs to I deserve it not Harry, I'm the one who left him. I'm the one who ran away and found Harry. Harry didn't find me I caused this, lately the thought of ending my own life has crossed my mind more than once. I remind myself that if I killed myself and Harry survived he wouldn't have anyone left. I couldn't do that to him. I wouldn't not if I had a choice.

The door swings open again Liam emerges from behind it.

"You want to feel what he's feeling? The pain?" Liam stands in front of me his arms crossed over his chest.

I slowly nod my head.

"If it means he survives then yes. He doesn't deserve it Liam he's innocent. I brought him into it it's not his fault." I say calmly.

He kneels in front of me roughly grabbing my face between his hands.

"Which is why I'm making him suffer so that you feel pain in return." his face shows no expression.

I look at him in his cold eyes and wonder if he was ever a man is there a man with a heart behind those eyes? They say there's a story behind everyone's eyes, they've witnessed every bit of someone's life. They know what made the person who they are. A persons eyes are an open book sometimes you can see the print easily but sometimes you've got to look closer. Something inside me seems to snap.

"Just leave him alone Liam he's done nothing! Let him be he doesn't deserve any of this! You're an empty shell of a man who wants nothing more than to make other people miserable because that's who you are! An empty miserable shell of a man!" I yell.

His eyes are full of anger and his fist clenches at his side.

"Get angry Liam hit me all you want!" I challenge.

"I know that's what you want me to do stupid boy," he smiles, " but it's not going to work. It doesn't matter what you say Harry will still suffer. " he kneels in front of me.

"Why?" I ask.

"He took you Louis! He did! He took you from me!" he says sternly.

"You really believe Harry did this when I'm the one who ran to him? I'm the one who begged for his protection because of you! You made me run Liam!" I say.

He stares at me silently.

"I fucking hate you! I hate you," I snap, "the more you hurt him the more I'm going to hate you let him go!"

"Just shut up will you? Shut the fuck up! Once upon a time there was lust that I had for you but then I hated you. The moment you started to act bad and not do what I needed you to I hated you but it wasn't only that, you ran away. When you did that I had to get you back for business but by the time I had tracked you down you had found prince charming and I vowed to make you suffer and him too. So here I am," he waves around, "doing just that."

He stands back up and I keep my eyes down.

"They will find us and they will kill you when they do and all this will be for nothing! If they don't you'll still go to jail and be kept in a cage like you kept me and you'll know then exactly why I ran away." I say.

He walks to the door opening it slightly before looking back at me.

"That's if I don't kill us first." he says leaving shutting the door behind him.

Authors note:

Wow guys I'm so sorry that took sooo long! Here it is though and I hope you enjoy it! Life has been super busy!

As always read,vote, recommend to a friend.

Yours sincerely, B. xxx

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