"I told you not to underestimate me!"

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Louis' POV
My vision is a bit blurry as I blink my eyes open. A searing pain shoots through my side, I'm so sore. I look around the room and my eyes land on him. My curly haired boy.

"Harry?" I squeak my voice hoarse coming out in a whisper.

"Harry." I try again and he stirs.

Before he realizes it's me who's talking and immediately walks over to the bed.

"Hello." he half smiles.

I reach up and touch his face as he sits down.

"My side is killing me." I say.

He takes my hands down from his face and kisses them.

"Let me just press this button and they'll come." Harry says.

He presses the button on a remote beside my leg. I noticed he hasn't looked me straight in the eye since I've been awake, it's only been a quick glance.

"Harry why won't you look at me?" I say.

He hangs his head and shakes it from side to side. He wipes away tears that have fallen down his cheeks.

"You hate me, you got hurt because of me. I couldn't protect you I'm sorry." he says.

"Harry look at me." I say putting a finger under his chin lifting his face to look at me, "this wasn't your fault. They did this to me not you–"

"I asked you to trust me and not long after that you got shot. I broke your trust." he says cutting me off.

"Harry how the hell could I hate you?" I start to cry, "you're my whole world. This wasn't your fault please don't blame yourself." I say softly.

His tears fall even more and I want to kiss them away but I can't my side is sore so I can't move.

"Kiss me." I say softly.

He finally looks at me with his glossed over eyes and leans in planting a kiss on my lips then my cheek and my nose and my whole face.

"I'm sorry Lou, it's just I promised myself I would never let you get hurt and you did. I'm so sorry." Harry says.

I pull him against my chest resting my chin on the top of his head.

"The only ones who should be sorry is the gang when you kill them." I say.

"Possibly but I'm outnumbered." Harry says. 

Just then the doctor comes in. 

"Mr. Tomlinson you're awake!" he claps his hands together, "how's that side feeling?" he questions rounding to the side of the bed to examine my side. 

"It hurts a lot." I say.

He pulls the blankets down from around my waist. 

"Can you hold up your gown for me please?" he asks. 

I attempt to reach my arms to my side to pull up my gown but immediately wince at the pain. 

"I've got it, baby." Harry says softly reaching across and pulling up my gown. 

The doctor takes off the large bandage covering my side. I look down seeing the black and purple bruises I immediately close my eyes at the ugly bruise and swallow. 

"Those stitches are still settling in I want to keep you another day before I let you go home. The soreness and pain that you are feeling is natural. I'll give you a prescription to take home with you for the pain but for now I'll send in a nurse to give you something and to redress that for you." the doctor explains. 

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