Cat and Mouse Game

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Louis' POV

My nerves have been crazy since this morning today is my first game. I'm not nervous about that though it's more because of Liam. I have no idea when he'll make his next move or where. There will be loads of people at the game and Liam could easily blend in with the crowd I know Harry and his boss Scott have set up extra security for this game but Liam always ALWAYS finds a way to make stuff happen. In my time of being held like an animal by him I've learned some things about him. He's smart to an extent, meticulous even, he's also deadly, and so manipulative. He's other things the list goes on and on. I remember countless times Liam would trick people into a death trap for not giving him his money for the services he provided them one of those services was me. I hate that I was part of it not willingly though. When I first joined I thought I wasn't going to be nothing more than a dealer for him but I was manipulated and became something I never wanted to see myself as. The countless times I felt so gross I wish I was dead, the countless times I was taken to that awful room where my nightmares happened. Liam made me hate myself part of me still does.

Then there was Harry who made me see myself again. He came along and changed all of that. He saw the real me but not at first.... the pain in his eyes when he saw the scars on my back from being assaulted so many times. I quickly covered them up so he couldn't see because I was ashamed. He was stubborn and pushy to get it out of me, he finally did though. It seemingly broke him into pieces when I shared that story. It wasn't long after that he kissed me for real, not like the first heat of the moment kiss. He denied having feelings for me but I didn't buy it. I saw it in his eyes the way he looked at me that he felt something more for me. The real kiss said I love you too before he even said it himself, the way he glided in and out of me so carefully it was perfect. I knew then he loved me just as much as I loved him. He would make me love myself more and more with each touch and each kiss he planted on my body. He was my hero, my knight in shining armor.

My fingers graze over my lips as I remember these moments with him those perfect ones. The ones I remember the most. He was such an asshole to me and I think I finally understand why... it was because he wanted to protect me like he said. He was protecting me from what he thought was going to tear us apart but ended up being nothing. He snakes his arms around my waist and I smile.

"Daydreaming?" he smiles against my ear.

I nod with a smile.

"May I ask about what?" he questions.

"Us just how you tried so hard for the longest time to hide your feelings but it ended up being pointless." I say.

"Is that all?"

I shake my head turning to face him wrapping my arms around his neck. His waist still pressed against mine.

"The first time you said I love you before you even said it." I begin, "it was in the way you glided in and out of me so slowly and the way you kissed me so gently. I knew you didn't have to tell me but when I heard you say you love me too it was like my whole world was put back together." I say.

He smiles leaning down pressing one of those gentle kisses to my lips.

"Those kisses?" he smiles against my lips.

"Yes those." I smile before he connects our lips again.

"Come on you have to start getting ready." he says and I give him a nod.

"I've got you a bag with your uniform packed with some soap and shampoo stuff for you to shower after the game." he says.

I give him a silent nod with a smile before changing into some clothes for the trip to Donny for the game. I should've told my mum about it but I didn't want Liam finding out I still talk to her, I've kept her safe from harm this long and I plan to keep doing so.

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