"You've got potential."

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The guy in the park, the envelope came together as a warning. As I thought about it I laid awake the entire night while Louis slept soundly next to me. Their blackmailing us, me, because I have what they want. Someone they can't have. They can try as much as they want to get to him but as long as he is with me, their attempts will fail. I won't know when or how or where they will try again but I know they'll have to kill me before they take him. 


As I drive to the office Louis sitting silently next to me fiddling with his fingers. I wonder if there was something he was or wanted to be before he became caged, trapped, involved in the things he got into. Who was he before? What made him that way before? Was it a who or was it something?  

It's been two entire months since all of this started. Since he walked into the office and I foolishly fell head over heels for him. In those two months I've not learned anything more about his past other than that time he showed me what they did to him in a visual way. That was it. That's all he told me. I haven't felt the need to know more about him because just knowing what I did I knew it was awful and I didn't want him to relive those times over again. The images that flashed through my mind as he told me everything, made me sick. Now though I want to know who my Louis was before, what was his life like? 

"Louis?" I say breaking the silence between us in the car. 

"Hm?" he hums. 

"Who were you before?" I say bluntly. 

"W-what?" he stutters. 

I swallow hard and press my lips into a line. 

"What happened to you before all of this?" I question waving my hand between us. 

He stays silent for what seems like ages his face twist into an expression of fear and guilt. I pull off on some gravel on the side of the road. He looks out the window when I turn to face him. 

"Lou talk to me, don't hide." I say softly reaching for his hand. 

"I can't tell you." he says. 

I scrunch my brows I could find out with a few clicks and typing but I'm not doing that. I want him to tell me. As much as I want to know I sigh and shake my head. I want to demand him for answers but I won't. 

"Okay." I simply say. 

The rest of the car ride is silent unbearably so. So when I pull into the lot of the agency in a way I'm grateful because I felt like I might suffocate. I wanted to hug him tell him I'm sorry for asking something when I shouldn't have but I can't. I pull open the door to the building letting Louis go in first. I give him a small smile to which he slightly smiles back to before hanging his head again. 

"Styles! It's about time you showed up!" Scott barks when we step off the elevator. 

"Just give me the papers so I can sign and pay you then leave." I say. 

He shakes his head reaching for the file on his desk which I take as soon as he hands me it. I click the pen and sign the paper and Louis does right after. Scott muffles a laugh and I shoot him a warning glare pulling out the envelope containing my entire savings account consisting of nearly $200,000. 

"Thanks." he says simply. 

I give him a nod and leave once inside the car. I immediately pull Louis to me enveloping him in my arms planting a kiss on his cheek letting it linger before pulling away. 

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked that. It's none of my business." I say. 

"It's okay." he says. 

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