My Grenade

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Pulling up in front of my mums house for the first time in a while feels weird. I walk in and it's quiet.

"Mum?" I call out Louis beside me.

My mum appears from around the corner a wide smile on her face as she approaches me with open arms. She wraps her arms around me tightly and I do the same.

"Hello mum." I say softly.

She kisses my cheek before pulling back and cupping my face in his hands.

"I've missed you." she says.

"I missed you too." I smile.

She leads us to the living room where we sit.

"So who's this?" my mum smiles at Louis.

Louis nods at her and gives her a smile.

"This is Louis my b–" I catch myself, "my assignment. Louis this my mum Anne." I say.

Louis gives me a look. I shake my head no at him. He sighs and hangs his head. My mum however shakes her head.

"Harry haven't you learned that I know if you bring someone to see me regardless. I know that someone is special. Is this your boyfriend?" my mum smiles.

No escaping now, she knows me too well. I swallow and smile.

"Yes," I grab his hand proudly, "yes he's my boyfriend."

"You can't anything from me son, you should know this by now." mum says with a smile.

"Yeah I just want to keep us on the low and you can't post or say anything about us outside of this house. At least not yet alright?" I say softly.

My mum reaches over patting my hand she nods.

"Thank you." I say.

"Why?" she practically whispers her voice coming out low.

"Because Louis and I are together against the rules of a contract. I'm only supposed to be his bodyguard but you know when the heart wants something, it'll keep on until it's got what it wants." I explain.

"That's right darling, the heart wants what it wants. Don't ever let anything stop you from getting the love you so desire." mum smiles.

"Bending the Rules is easy yet so hard when all you want is to be normal but can't because of circumstances." Louis pipes up.

I move my hand to his knee giving it a squeeze he rest his head on my shoulder.

"What happens if they find out?" mum asks sitting back in the chair.

"Well a few things, one, they take Louis away, two, they fire me, three, I lose everything I ever wanted." I say resting my head on top of Louis'.

"You know I won't say a thing." mum says.

"All I want is to keep him safe and keeping us a secret is part of that because if I'm away from him I can't protect him." I say.

"Just keep on doing what you're doing." she assures.

I nod. What she doesn't know is that not only do I have the agency to keep us from but the gang that's after Louis too. The leader who I assume is this L wants Louis back for sickening reasons. Regardless of the reason they will not get to him without having to go through me. I'll have to be dead before they get to him.

"Harry love?" my mum says snapping me from my thoughts.

I shake my head blinking.

"Hm? Sorry." I say looking at her.

Bending the Rules {L.S}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin