Every Moment With You Is The Best

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Searing pain overcomes me as the shot that rung through hits me. He missed and hit me. I look at Louis before looking down at my injury and begin fading out. I hear voices loud ones before I totally pass out hitting the floor.

"Louis?" I say stirring awake after I don't know how long.

"Shh son he's okay." mum hovers over me whispering.

"Where is he?" I say lowly.

She nods to the corner where Louis is curled in a ball asleep. I smile weakly at him.

"Where's my boss?" I question.

"He's outside the door for Louis' protection." she says.

"Can you go get him?" I ask.

She nods before going to the door and poking her head out. My boss emerges and comes over to me.

"Where's Liam?" I question.

"We got most of his gang but he and a few others got away. He's smart he knows how to get away fast." Scott explains.

"No kidding, I wish he had a better aim." I try to laugh but can't because it hurts.

"You and I both, on the other hand we got a fellow named Jayce." Scott says.

"Who's that?" I question.

"Liam's wingman." Scott says.

"Has he told you anything?" I ask.

"No we can't get much out of him. He's pretty loyal." he says.

"Liam doesn't know Louis' game schedule he will if he gets out through the papers and other media." I say.

"I don't think he'll try anything out in the open but I'll set up some extra security just in case." Scott says.

"Not sure I can afford that extra security." I say.

"Don't worry about that." he assures.

"Thank you for saving the both of them." I say.

"It's my job to keep people safe." he says.

I nod.

"So where exactly did he shoot me? I'm a bit fuzzy but I'm sure it was in the upper region of my chest." I say.

"Yeah he got you on the right side of your chest near miss of your heart I'll tell you that you're lucky." he says.

"Stole my heart and nearly killed it." I smile.

"Aye enough of that talk. Save that for when I'm not around." he says.

I smile again and shake my head. Louis stirs in his sleep and moves his head from side to side.

"No," he begins shaking it frantically, "no! I'm sorry please." he yells.

My mum crosses to him quickly and puts her hand on his shoulders shaking him awake.

"Harry?" Louis whispers to my mum.

She nods and looks over at me he follows her gaze to mine. His eyes widen and he stands quickly.

"Come here." I say patting beside me.

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