"What's so special about him?"

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My alarm sounds today is the day. A new line up to stand in to be chosen out of. I'm lucky if I'm not just given an assignment now. I haven't been given one without choice in ages. Today will be just like it has for a few years now. Which is standing in a line next to your fellow guards and waiting to be chosen as each client chooses. Me as a top am usually told to wait until the top assignments enter the room. I'm one of only two or three others.

I throw the duvet off my figure and shower. A simple skinny fit black suit is my usual attire. Today I decide on a nice button up black shirt, skinny suit pants, and my black boots. I'm all set to leave now for another day at work.

"Styles my office now!" my boss barks as soon as I clock in.

"Sir." I say as I enter his office.

He holds a vanilla folder in his hand as we stand facing each other. That's something I haven't seen in a while.  He opens the file revealing a picture of what I assume is going to be a client. I study the picture.

"What's so special about him that I have to do it? Why isn't he coming like the clients always have?" I question

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"What's so special about him that I have to do it? Why isn't he coming like the clients always have?" I question.

"The name is Louis Tomlinson and he already picked you out from a picture. Your job is the same as usual protect him, keep him safe–" he interrupts.

"Why am I chosen from him privately?!" I question again.

He huffs.

"He looks normal but on edge in that photo what could possibly be so special about him that I have to protect him why can't one of the others?" I question.

"You're my top man Styles, you fit what he wanted he chose you. I recommended you out of the other guys. You fit the job-"

"Damn it Scott! What the hell is it about him? Why isn't he in the line? What the hell do I have to do?" I snap.

He laughs to himself and dials on the phone. I stuff my hand in my pocket running my hand through my hair.

"Yes that's right bring him in." Scott says.

I lean against the wall and wait for my assignment to arrive since Scott can't tell me why the hell he's so special. The door opens and in comes my assignment.

"I'm Harry Styles your bodyguard." I introduce myself.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson I wanted you because they're out to get me and your file said your top with protection, fighting, killing etc." he says.

"So what do 'they' want with you? I have to know these things so I can do my job." I explain.

"I was in a group of people, I left. I spilled some stuff about them to others to save my own ass it caused a lot of trouble. That's when I ran and they've been out to get me. Kill me." Louis explains.

He's terrified obviously just like any other client I've had. 

"When do I start?" I look at my boss.

"Now." Louis says.

I grab his wrist leading him out the room and to the vacant hallway around the corner.

"Let's get one thing straight first, you're not my boss you don't tell me when I start and don't. My boss does. Second, my job is to protect you not listen to orders from you, so in order for me to protect you, you need to listen to me. Got it?" I say.

He nods silently. I lead him back to the room we were just in before. My boss is still where I left him.


"Not at all sir." I say.

"So the basic rules are for you to obey what Harry says and do what he says and you'll be just fine." my boss explains.

I eye Louis who just nods.

"Are we done here? I've got some things that tending to at home." I lie.

I glance down at the papers given to me earlier. I notice Louis has no address.

"Hey wait a minute," I hold up the paper, "where's his address?"

"I don't have one." Louis says.

"What?" I scrunch my brows.

"I keep moving I don't stay in one place for long. I could be being watched right now as we speak. That's why I picked you." he explains.

"I'm a man Mr. Tomlinson not a indestructible wall that will keep anything away and out." I say.

"Well I'm looking at settling into some place small–"

"I don't need to hear plans. So if you'll excuse me." I start out the door and down the hall.

"Hey wait a minute." Louis shouts from down the hall running after me.

"What strings did you pull? I'm supposed to be lined up with everyone else in there," I point to the door down the hall still filled with people, "there's no possible way that you are what you say you are! You used money, money you got from terrible things. I refuse to protect someone knowing I was paid for with that!" I snap.

"I am who I say I am Mr. Styles! I wouldn't lie to a company like this. I've saved money from a very shitty job! I've done things I'm not proud of but god damn it you don't have to like me to protect me! Just do your job and I won't fucking speak to you! Forgive me for trying to be friends with you!" Louis snaps.

I cross my arms.

"Just please help me." the desperate need in his voice pulls at something inside me.

"Fine!" I grab his wrist leading him outside and to my car.

It's a black 1966 Mercedes-Benz 230SL convertible. Inside I turn to Louis.

"How did you do it?"

"I saw your profile picture on the table and I begged your boss to pull you out." he explains.

"Were you worried about someone getting me before you?" I ask.

"Yes and I made sure they didn't." he says.

"That's not fair." I say.

"Life isn't fair but I knew you were top of them all and I needed you." Louis says.

I start up my car.

"Part of protecting you means keeping you off the streets. You can stay on my couch tonight." I say.

I realize what I'm doing is already bending the rules but I'm doing my job.

"What?" he says.

"Stay on my couch tonight and I'll take you to find a place of your own tomorrow." I say.

"Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" he questions.

"I'm just doing my job." I say.

I am doing my job and bending the rules. Im definitely not supposed to bring him to my house. I'm not supposed to "help" him find a place either. I'm drawn to him something about him pulls me in and I can't stop myself. Me almost leaving was the closest I was to stopping myself.

Authors note:

I hope you enjoy this first chapter of my new story! Please leave your comments.

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Yours sincerely B. xxx

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