"Valentine killed her because she would not betray your mother."

"Oh, my god."

"Come with me, Clary. My lair could offer you protection no Shadowhunter ever could."

Jace scoffed.

"No! No, I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Don't be a fool. Your mother would want you to live."

"Then help me get my memories back from whatever demon you gave them to."

"Valentine is hunting you, too. And every moment we're outside my pairs protection, is a moment Valentine gets closer to finding us." Magnus opened a portal, turning back.

"Come with me."

Clary looked at Jace, who shook his head.

"I won't offer again."

"No. No, I won't hide from my problems and neither should you."

"Look out!" Izzy yelled.

A circle member was behind Magnus, and one of Alec's arrows ended up in the guys chest.

Alec came over to check the guy, and then the perimeter.

"Who are you?" Magnus asked looking at Alec, before he went to leave.

"Magnus, wait!" Clary grabbed his arm.

"You're my only hope."

"Valentine found us. I warned your mother this might happen." Magnus said, going into the portal.

"Wait..." Clary trailed off, looking at her hand, where a button layed.

"The area's secure. Looks like he was the only assassin." Izzy said, as she came over.

"He has a Circle rune on the base of his neck." Alec told them.

"They found us. It's not safe here. Clary, we have to go." Jace said, as he started to walk away, only to stop as they noticed Clary wasn't following.

"Clary..." Rosalie said going up to her.

"I get it. It's a lot to process, but we have to go."

She nodded, getting up.

As they walked, Clary kept calling behind.

They made it out the back door, and Clary stopped.

Rose sighed, seeing this.

"Jace." Izzy called, seeing Clary's state.

Turning around, he sighed.

"Clary, we have to move."

"I'm catching my breath." She shot back.

" you know what? This is great. And not only did Magnus not get the girl her memories back, he took the necklace. This is fantastic..." Alec started.

"Alec, the girl... her name is Clary and I highly suggest you keep your voice down." Jace cut him off.

"Why? What, are you afraid I'm going to upset her? We have risked our lives again and again for this girl, and where has it gotten us? All right? Nowhere. We're no closer to getting the Mortal cup. And we've lost the institute's necklace."

"Hey, I am right here. I don't care about your damn jewelry. I'm sorry you're going to look bad in front of your bosses, okay? But my mother's still missing and my last chance at finding her just disappeared into thin air." Clary cut in.

"Clary, it's gonna be fine." Jace tried to reason with her.

"No, it's not! People are dying because of me. And Magnus? Magnus will never come out of hiding again while Valentine is still after him. We're never gonna find him. And I will... I will never get my memories back." Clary threw the button, causing Jace to catch it.

The Other Lightwood. (Jace Herondale.)Where stories live. Discover now