Part 9

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Its been six months now since Aryna was dealing with her pain and soreness... she is finally was able to get well done with her suffering, she can't wait to deliver our child. Today we went to see a doctor and see if its going to be a girl or a boy. The doctor said that it's going to be a girl and Aryna already figured out a name! 

"Zora our baby girl name is going to be Arora! Do you like the name?" she asked as she was happy that it was a girl. 

We went shopping for girl stuff and made sure that her room would be amazing once she gets here everything would be perfect for her... 

Sorry guys for making this chapter super short I want you guys to think what will happen to her in three more months! I know that there will be some sorrow in the end! Can you handle it??? 

Until Night Falls (1-3)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora