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Tristan pleaded Amber to stay with his eyes but she merely slammed the classroom door in his face without another word. He let out a long breath and sat on the edge of a desk in the empty room he had found Amber in.

He ran his fingers through his hair, staring at the floor and thinking about what a mess he'd gotten himself into. If it weren't for his drunken one night stand with Ashley, so many things wouldn't be happening.

He wouldn't be dating Ashley. She wouldn't be pregnant. Oh, Jesus, how did that happen? They'd used protection, hadn't they? To tell the truth, Tristan couldn't really remember.

Now look where it's left you, you stupid dickhead, Tristan scolded himself, gritting his teeth. If it weren't for that night you could be with Amber right now.


Christ, how much had he screwed up their relationship already? And just with a few stupid choices that had led him to this messed up tangle of problems…

Tristan glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and saw that he had five minutes to get to Math. He bit his lip. He wanted to give Amber as much space as possible. He didn't want to force his presence on her when she was so obviously upset.

Yet he wanted to talk to her… He wanted – no, he had to sort this all out.

After finally deciding on what to do, Tristan rose from his perch on the edge of the desk and headed out into the hall beyond the classroom. The corridor was already slowly emptying as students broke off for their different classes.


Tristan groaned and closed his eyes for a moment as if willing himself not to shout at the approaching Ashley. No, he wouldn't lose control. The girl was pregnant, for God's sake.

"Ashley," Tristan muttered, opening his eyes and turning to face her.

Ashley came to a stop in front of him, a smile on her lips. Tristan saw her blue eyes glance around her at the other people in the hall before she rose on her toes and made to kiss Tristan.

All she wants from me is popularity, Tristan thought dimly before he angled his head so that Ashley caught his cheek with her kiss instead of his lips.

Ashley pulled back, her eyebrows drawn together in confusion as she gazed up at him with sad eyes. "Tristan? What's wrong?"

Tristan swallowed. If he was going to say anything to Ashley, now would be it.

"Look, Ashley… I don't think I can do this," Tristan said quietly so that only Ashley could hear his voice.

"You can't do what?" Ashley asked with a slight frown. "What are you trying to say, baby?"

The baby…

Tristan heaved a great sigh. He couldn't do this to her. Not while she was pregnant. He mustered a small but as he looked down into Ashley's eyes, all he felt was hate.

"I don't think I can stay at school today. I think I'll just go home," he said.

"Are you feeling OK?" Ashley asked.

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