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I swept my hair into a ponytail and pouted at my reflection. Shaking my head, I pulled the hair tie out of my hair and let my locks fall gently around my shoulders. I bit my lip as I pulled my hair into two ponytails before pulling them out again.

Oh Christ, I can't even make up my mind about my hair style? I thought, exasperated as I threw the hair ties onto my dresser.

I had spent enough time picking my current outfit – a white shirt underneath a stylish black vest, jeans and boots – and now I didn't have any more time to waste on my hair. I had to get my make-up done before Georgia and Harry arrived to pick me up, which would be in about ten minutes.

As I was stressing over my different shades of eye shadow, I heard my bedroom door open and close again. I turned to see Tristan walking over to his bed dressed in a black three-quarter sleeved button-up shirt and dark jeans.

"Why are you so dressed up?" I asked, frowning.

Tristan raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm dressed up?" He looked me up and down and smirked.

"Well, usually you're just wearing an old T-shirt by this time at night," I said, shrugging.

Tristan laughed. "Glad to know you're so informed about my outfits."

I rolled my eyes. "I simply make observations," I said, deciding not to wear eye shadow at all and instead picking up my eyeliner.

"It just so happens I am going out," Tristan said.

"Is that so?" I muttered, trying not to move as I applied eyeliner to my bottom lid. I had learned from past experience to avoid poking myself in the eye with an eyeliner pencil at all costs. It hurt like hell.

"Yeah. One of my mates from the basketball team invited me to James Matherson's party tonight," Tristan explained.

I frowned. Where had I heard that name before? Then my heart stopped. I turned slowly to face Tristan, setting my eyeliner pencil on my dresser.

"James Matherson as in 28 Harvard Street?" I asked quietly.

Tristan frowned with thought for a moment before nodding. "Yep, that's it." He glanced at me and smirked. "You look like you have a black eye."

"That's only because I haven't done the other eye yet, stupid," I snapped, snatching up the eyeliner and returning to my beauty routine.

This is going to stuff up my night, I thought to myself. With Tristan at the party it's going to be totally weird with Lucas.

Why should it be? asked a voice in my head. It's not like you and Tristan have anything more than friendship, right?

I thought for a moment. "Yeah… Just because he's going to be there doesn't mean I have to let it ruin my night."

"Let what ruin your night?" Tristan asked, turning to me with a frown.

Oh crap, I said that out loud.

I jumped, sending the eyeliner straight into my eye. Howling with pain, I held a hand over my eyes and stumbled around, trying to find a tissue while trying to ignore Tristan's laughter.

An Old Family Friend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now