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I went to school the next day hoping that I didn't run into Tristan. I didn't want an awkwardness to come between us and I had a feeling that time would help prevent that.

After Tristan had left the house the night before, I had finished the project by myself. It just seemed easier that way.

Much to my delight, even though the day passed slowly, I didn't bump into Tristan at all. My first three classes were normal enough and when lunch came I was happy just to sit down with Georgia and Harry.

I followed the crowd of students outside into the sunshine, looking around for Harry and Georgia. My eyes found them lounging underneath a large, shady tree. It was then that guilt and unease gripped my heart and I realised I still hadn't told them about the kiss.

Taking a deep breath, I walked over to the tree and settled down next to Georgia.

"Hey," I said rather breathlessly, sweeping a stray strand of hair behind my ear and smiling at my friends.

"Hey," Georgia replied.

"Oh, so now you've made time to talk to us? All studied out, then?" Harry suddenly commented.

I stared at him for a few moments. Despite his harsh tone, I knew that he wasn't actually angry with me, just hurt.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that," I mumbled. "I shouldn't have done that to you guys."

"That's right; you shouldn't have," Harry snapped. "I think you -"

"Harry and I accept your apology," Georgia intervened quickly. "Don't we Harry?"

"What?! I haven't even finished -"

Georgia elbowed him hard in the ribs and he let out a long sigh before nodding, defeated.

I gave Harry a weak smile before allowing my gaze to drift over the school grounds, searching for Tristan. I vaguely wondered if he'd taken the day off.

"Who are you on the lookout for?" Georgia suddenly queried.

I turned to her to find that she had been studying my tense actions. I shook my head slightly before Harry interrupted with in a slightly frustrated voice.

"Don't shut us out again, Amber," he warned.

I sighed, knowing he was right. "Fine," I muttered. "I'm looking out for Tristan."

"Why? I thought you guys were back on good terms again," Georgia said.

"Well, we were... until I kissed him and then kicked him out of the house," I blurted, the words slurring in my rush to get them out.

Georgia and Harry's reactions were identical and simultaneous. First, their eyes widened and jaws dropped. They looked at each other before turning back to me and squealing with excitement.

"Yes! You and Tristan are finally together! That's great!" Georgia cried happily, clapping her hands together in celebration.

"I knew it! You guys are so going to get married," Harry grinned.

I sighed. "Guys, shhh! Didn't you hear the last part of my sentence? I kicked him out of the house."

"B - But why?" Harry stammered, his hopes of marriage seemingly thrown completely out the window.

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