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"You can do this. Come on. You can do this," Amber whispered to herself, her eyes fixed on the school that loomed above her.

She swallowed hard and glanced down at the outfit she had chosen for this day. She had needed a special outfit for this was the day that she made Will fall in love with her. This was it

Amber flipped her hair over her shoulder, took a deep breath and started through the school's front door. Her eyes almost immediately found Will standing next to his locker talking to a group of guys and two or three girls.

Her heart seemed to constrict slightly with fear and nerves and she froze in place. The next thing she knew, someone had grabbed her arm and pulled her into an empty classroom.

Looking around wildly as the classroom door swung shut, Amber's eyes fell on Ashley, who was looking slightly disapproving. Despite her best friend's expression, a bright grin crept across Amber's face at the sight of support.

"Thank God you're here, Ash," Amber said breathlessly. "I was just about to walk up to Will and I kind of… well… froze and –"

"– And you made yourself look like a total dork as you stood in the middle of the hallway with your jaw hanging halfway to the floor," snapped Ashley suddenly, overriding Amber's rambling speech.

Amber's eyebrows drew together in a slight frown. "What's wrong, Ash?"

Ashley heaved a great sigh. "Nothing, Amber, nothing. It's just that I don't want you screwing this up for yourself. After all, if he rejects you, you'll be the talk of the school… and not in a good way."

"Well, then, what do I do?" asked Amber, biting her lip gloss-coated bottom lip.

"What do you do?"

Amber nodded, awaiting instruction.

"Nothing. You do absolutely nothing Amber," Ashley said.

Amber frowned. "Well, then, how's Will supposed to like me if –"

"Shut up Amber."

Where other people would have been taken aback, even offended, by Ashley's snappish manner, Amber was used to it. She nodded and continued to stare at her friend, waiting for her next sentence as though her life depended on it.

"Look, I will talk to Will. I'll get him to like you. All you need to do is keep a cool, calm and collected head and at least pretend to look cool in case he looks over at you," Ashley said.

Amber couldn't help but giggle slightly. "You sound a bit like Regina off Mean Girls," she commented, smiling.

Ashley fixed her with a steady glare. Amber closed her mouth abruptly, all traces of humour forgotten.

"Let's go," Ashley said quietly.

Amber nodded and followed her out into the hallway. Will was still leaning against his locker, chatting. He flicked his hair out of his face, his eyes traveling lazily over his companions as they talked.

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