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I ran my hand through my freshly-brushed hair and inspected my reflection. I was wearing a simple, curve-hugging tank top with jeans. A perfect combination for the first day of school, I thought.

Oh wait. Did I just say first day of school? That means the holidays have officially ended and I'm just about to enter my senior year… Fantastic! Er… not.

I grabbed my school bag and swung it over my shoulder as I walked out of my bedroom. Without speaking a word, I hurried down the stairs into the hall below.

As I slipped out the front door, I yelled out, "Bye everyone!"

"Wait up Amber!"

I froze, swearing under my breath. So my stealthy get-away wasn't so sneaky.

Next moment Tristan and Veronica were stepping out onto the front path next to me, closing the door behind them. Without waiting for them to catch up, I took off down the path, walking as quickly as possible. I really didn't want to spend the fifteen minute walk listening to Veronica flirt endlessly with Tristan.

So ten minutes later I could be found walking a couple metres in front of Tristan and Veronica, wincing as Veronica's high-pitched, very fake giggle reached my ears.

This may sound extremely weird, especially coming from me, but I was really glad to see my old school come into view as I walked around the corner. Even the sight of a loud new crowd of annoying Grade Eights was like a symphony after Veronica.

"Oh my gosh, Amber!"

I grinned widely as my eyes fell on my best friend: Georgia Parkinson. She ran up to me from where our group was sitting underneath a tree, hugging me tightly and covering me with her long, curly blonde locks.

"Whoa, steady on there, Georgia," I laughed, patting her on the back.

"Holy crap! Who's the new hottie?" cried Georgia – who was known by her loud voice and over-the-top attitude – as she pulled away from me.

I glanced over my shoulder even though I hardly needed to. Georgia was, of course, referring to Tristan who was presently surrounded by a gang of Veronica's mindless bimbo clones.

I rolled my eyes as I turned back to my friend. "Oh, come on. He's not even hot," I lied.

Georgia raised an eyebrow. "OK, either you've met that guy before now and he's a real jerk or… you're now a lesbian."

I laughed. "Hmm… definitely the latter," I joked but then my expression darkened. "No. His name is Tristan, even though his real identity is the devil, and he's staying at my house for an entire month."

Georgia's jaw dropped and she simply took to staring at me through wide brown eyes, utterly speechless.

"I know, right? It's a nightmare," I said, taking advantage of Georgia's silence.

"Are you kidding me?" Georgia shrieked and I winced by her scratchy tone. "I'm so jealous of you right now!"

"Don't be," I assured her as we began to make our way over to our group. "Tristan is the King of Jerk-Or-Dick-Face Land."

Georgia snorted. "Nice wording."

"Thank you."

An Old Family Friend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now