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Sunday afternoon found me dragging my feet out of my car and trudging across the road toward my favourite café, Cloud Nine. I walked through the door into the busy café and my eyes immediately found Georgia and Harry who sat up the back at our favourite table.

I made my way over to the table, smiling half-heartedly at my two best friends who stood to greet me.

"Hey," Georgia said, hugging me before we all sat down. "Are you OK?"

I shrugged, glaring down at the pink ring that still resided on my finger. The very same ring that had caused Lucas to suggest that our relationship needed 'time'.

"Not really," I mumbled.

"Why not? What happened?" Harry asked, frowning across the table at me.

I sniffed. "Lucas… wants a break," I told them.

Georgia gasped. "What? But you two were going so well!" she cried.

"I know. Well, we were until this came up," I said, holding up my hand to show them the ring.

Harry frowned. "Honey, why are you wearing a crappy little plastic ring on your finger?" he asked as though afraid for my mental health.

I took a deep breath and delved into the story, explaining all about the Tristan, the ring and Lucas's decision to 'take a break'. By the end of it, Harry was frowning with his mouth hanging open slightly and Georgia had tears in her eyes as she hugged me tightly.

"Don't worry, Amber," Georgia said. "You and Lucas will get back together; there's no doubt about it."

I nodded slightly, brushing away a stray tear.

"I don't want you to get back with Lucas."

I looked up at Harry, frowning. "What do you mean?"

Harry was staring over my shoulder, seemingly in deep thought. "You say Tristan kept this ring for, what, eleven years?" I nodded, causing him to sigh with exasperation. "Well, then, can't you see, Amber? That's the sweetest thing anyone has done for you!"

"But he didn't really do it for me," I reminded him. "I found it."

"Yeah, Amber's right. If Tristan wanted to be romantic, he would have given her the ring straight up," Georgia said.

"Well, then, he's a shy romantic," Harry shrugged.

I snorted with disbelief. "If there's one thing Tristan is, it isn't shy," I said with a short laugh.

"Romantic or not," Georgia began, "I'm rooting for Lucas."

"I think Lucas is a pussy," Harry said.

"Harry!" I cried indignantly.

"What?" Harry said. "It's true! If Tristan had to fight for you he wouldn't wait a second whereas Lucas… well, I think that pretty-boy would have a few second thoughts. And no one should have second thoughts about defending you, sweetie."

I sighed. "But, Harry, we don't even know if Tristan likes me, remember?"

"Exactly," Georgia overtook me. "Amber doesn't want someone to fight over her. She's told us herself that she hates guys who get into fights just for the hell of it. Amber would be much happier with a safe guy like Lucas."

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