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I don't know why I ran. I guess it was from the shock and confusion of the whole situation.

Don't get me wrong, Tristan did hurt me… physically. After all, deep down, I knew that him hitting me had been nothing more than an accident.

Over the next few days I saw Tristan and Ashley walking through the school, hand-in-hand. They were obviously officially going out. Every time I saw the strange couple together, my heart jolted and my stomach twisted in a tight knot of…

Well, that's just it. I didn't know what I felt. Was I jealous or was I subconsciously just noting how Tristan deserves so much better?

No matter what I was feeling, I decided to steer clear of the couple. This meant taking detours every time I saw them strolling down the halls, which generally caused me to be late to my classes. Let's just say my teachers didn't exactly appreciate this new change in behaviour.

About the other newest addition to the couples in the school, every time I passed Haylee in the corridors she would smile smugly at me and prance pass with her nose in the air. I had learnt not to look at her for it just made me want to knock that stupid smirk right off her ugly face.

Once during the week that followed the dance, I had seen Lucas waiting outside the school after last period. I had hung back, watching him out of one of the school's front windows.

Haylee had passed me, caught sight of Lucas through my window and practically run out of the school. I watched as she flung her arms around Lucas's neck, beaming and throwing a triumphant glance at where I still stood in the window before turning back to her boyfriend.

Just as I was about to turn away from the window, I caught sight of Lucas dragging Haylee's arms away from his neck. Even though I couldn't hear what he was saying, I could tell he was snapping at her as he frowned.

But like I cared, right?

Apart from all that, I had been trying to focus on my schoolwork. Hard to believe, right? Well, midterms were approaching quickly and I really didn't feel like failing my final year. Therefore, I had spent most of my spare time studying for my various subjects.

This was the excuse I used every time my friends asked me to go out with them. Again, it seemed extremely unlike me to blow off my friends for school. The truth was I wasn't really up for hours of watching Georgia and Harry hook up with their partners with me sitting beside them, extremely bored.

Anyway, the second Monday after the dance found me sitting to the side of my group, my Science textbook on my lap and a pen in my hand. I could feel my friends' eyes on me but I didn't look up. I hoped that if I didn't acknowledge their gazes and silent attitudes, general conversation would pick up again and the attention would soon slide off me.

However, not five minutes later, two very familiar voices floated across the breeze and reached my ears. I stiffened and tried to resist the urge to look up. This wasn't as easy as it sounds and soon I found myself staring at Tristan and Ashley as they walked hand-in-hand across the grass.

In a situation like this, I would usually pack up my books while making a quick excuse for my friends before running in the opposite direction of Tristan and Ashley. However, today I didn't feel like running. It was particularly humid weather and all I felt like doing was study in the shade.

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