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"This party is going to be freakin' awesome!" exclaimed Georgia.

I sighed heavily as I trudged into the costume store after her. Yes, that's right; my group actually managed to drag me along to a costume store for the party. Well there's my plan of just turning up as the best character ever: myself.

"Come on, Amber, lighten up," Harry said, noticing my sigh and nudging me in the side. "It'll be heaps of fun if you think positive."

I couldn't help but smile at Harry's bouncing energy. OK, so I can't stay upset for more than fifteen minutes when I'm around my friends. I guess that is what makes them so awesome.

"Oooh, look at this angel costume! Isn't it gorgeous?" Haylee cried dreamily, hurrying over to a rack of white, skimpy costumes.

"I am so not going to the party with you if you're going to dress like a slut with wings," Jade commented, wrinkling her nose at her sister's choice of costume.

Haylee rounded on her. "Are you saying that I have a 'slutty' choice in clothing?" she snapped.

Jade pretended to think for a moment before replying, "Yes actually, that's exactly what I'm saying."

I sighed and left the bickering sisters as I moved to the back of the store, glumly looking around for a costume that wasn't entirely made up of feathers or lace.

I passed the rack of pirate costumes Penny was standing at and walked straight over to a line of assorted costumes. I reached up to the rack, pushing aside the costumes one-by-one.

Some of them looked kind of good but I always found some reason to toss them aside.

Cinderella? No, too many people will be turning up as her. Pirate? Too childish. Angel? Too skanky and girly. Devil? Too many people will be doing that.

What else is there? I thought exasperatedly after twenty minutes spent searching fruitlessly.

Suddenly, I heard a squeal of delight come from the other side of the store. Turning, I saw Georgia standing in front of a long rack of costumes but she her body was blocking whatever had caused her to squeal with excitement.

"Guys, come here! Quickly!" called Georgia, waving her hands in the air.

As I walked over to the rack, Harry, Penny, Jade and Haylee joined me, each of them equally as confused as I was. We reached Georgia and looked down at the costumes she was pointing to excitedly.

"Minnie Mouse?" Penny queried, frowning down at the red dress.

"No, silly!" Georgia grabbed a set of coat hangers and held the costumes up for us to see. "Aren't they perfect? We've got the right amount of people too!"

"Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts!" squealed Haylee excitedly. "I'm so Sailor Moon!"

I chewed my bottom lip, nodding slowly with approval at the costumes. They would be OK to go as… no one else would do them.

"Wait… Who are Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts?" Jade suddenly asked.

"Oh my God, you don't know Sailor Moon?" Harry gaped. "She and the Sailor Scouts only make the best cartoon show ever."

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