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The next few days were fine between Tristan and I. He didn't try anything and I didn't mention that night, even when we were alone.

The only thing wrong with my life was that I hadn't run into Lucas again. Stupid me, forgetting to give him my phone number or email address. I don't know what was going through my head that day.

However, much to my surprise and happiness, I managed to meet Lucas once again at the park on a Sunday afternoon.

I was walking through the park, breathing in the fresh air and happy to be out-and-about instead of studying like Mum wanted me to. I'd been keeping a secretive eye out for Lucas ever since I stepped on the first blade of grass but I hadn't been able to find him, until…

"Amber? Hey, Amber!"

My heart skipped a beat at the familiar voice. I turned and grinned at Lucas as he approached at a jog.

"Hey," I replied when he stopped in front of me. "Look's like that whole Fate thing worked, huh?"

Lucas laughed. "Well it bloody well took its time. I've been hanging around this park for the past week waiting for you."

I felt my cheeks heat up as I smiled at him.

Lucas looked sheepish for a moment before asking, "Hey, do you want to go grab a cup of coffee or something?"

I grinned. "Sure."

So there we sat in a café just down the road, sitting at my favourite table, waiting for our coffees to arrive.

Surprisingly, we weren't at all awkward with each other. I mean, being me, of course I said a few stupid things, embarrassing the heck out of myself, but Lucas simply laughed, brushing the moment away in a second.

A blonde waitress walked over to our table with two coffees on her tray. Without even a single glance at me, she gave Lucas a sparkling smile and set the coffees on the table, bending low and giving Lucas a free view of her chest.

I stared at the waitress in confusion. For all she knew, I could be Lucas's long-term girlfriend and here she was flirting with him outrageously just because he was good-looking.

As the waitress sent him flirtatious compliments, Lucas simply replied with a nod or one word, glancing at me every few moments. Finally, the girl seemed to get the hint. She straightened with a simple "Enjoy your coffees" and walked off, swaying her hips. As she returned to the back room she glanced over at me and glared at me. I swear, if looks could kill…

"Well that wasn't awkward," Lucas commented sarcastically.

I shook my head in slight disbelief, my gaze on the waitress who was now going through the same routine with her next victim. The guy was staring openly at the waitress's chest, despite the unhappy red-headed girl sitting opposite him.

When the waitress left and the guy twisted in his seat to get a good look at her swaying hips, the red-head leapt to her feet and yelled at him before storming from the café, leaving the guilty-looking guy behind.

"I just don't get some girls," I muttered, looking back to Lucas as the guy followed the red-head out of the shop.

"I know; it's like they expect me to find their easinessattractive." He shrugged.

An Old Family Friend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now