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So I would love to start this story with a sentence like, oh I don't know…

Once upon a time, a beautiful girl with no cares in the world awoke slowly, fluttering her gorgeous long eyelashes at the ceiling for a moment or two before rolling onto her side and staring contently out at the peaceful world beyond her window.

… But, regretfully, I can't.

Instead, I have to start it with this.

"Amber Jones! You get up this minute, young lady!"

I sat bolt upright with a loud, unflattering snort, my puffy eyes jerked wide awake by the shrill tone of my mother.

Running my fingers through my knotty, un-brushed hair and blinking furiously to get used to the bright light that shone in from my windows, I turned slowly to face Mum, who stood in my bedroom doorway, her hands on her hips and her eyes narrowed in fury.

"Whassthematter?" I mumbled, suppressing a wide yawn as I stretched.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" shrieked Mum, throwing her hands in the air for added exasperation.

"That's what I just asked," I muttered under my breath, not game enough to let Mum hear me when she was in such a furious, throat-ripping state.

"Have you forgotten what today is?" Mum exclaimed.

I narrowed one eye for a moment in thought. "Um… I guess so…" I said slowly.

Mum's eyes flashed dangerously. "Today is the day that your Aunt Marie and her kids come over!" she reminded me.

I groaned audibly. "Don't I have school today?" I asked hopefully, for I would rather take on hours of unexplainable boredom then have to face Aunt Marie – who isn't truly my Aunt, mind you – and her kids.

Mum glowered at me. "Get. Up. And. Get. Dressed," she spat through gritted teeth before turning and slamming the door on the way out causing my window panes to rattle.

I winced as I threw the bedclothes off me and slid to the floor, the cold bare wood biting at my feet. I crossed the room to my mirror to see what I had to work with this morning.

Again, I wish I didn't have to explain myself to you in such a way. I don't exactly like being the person who makes people's eyes pop out at their computer screens.

Well, I guess I can't really escape telling you what I looked like in the morning for too much longer.

My usually straight, shoulder-length light brown hair stood at least two inches off my scalp in a large ball of frizzy mess. My blue eyes glinted out sleepily from my red-rimmed, puffy eyes. My pajama top was hanging off my slim frame and my baggy pants were hanging halfway down my butt. To top off the picture, I had a trail of dried spit leading from the corner of my mouth to my chin.

'Lovely,' I thought sarcastically, frowning at the mirror and tugging at a strand of my hair. 'Oh well, better get started.'

With one last resigned look at the mirror, I turned and walked over to my wardrobe, throwing the doors open and contemplating my outfit choices.

An Old Family Friend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now