Chapter 17

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I stepped in my shower room and twisted the knob. Warm water started brushing my skin. I took in a deep breath, and let all the dirt wash away along with the warm water.

Killing someone is no good, but my heart became too cold to consider it wrong. It beats for only one person, and that one person, he is sleeping soundly. Never in a million years, I thought I'd become someone like this. But that's the fate, and when it'll change, no one can even imagine.

I wrapped myself with a large towel after taking shower and stormed outside in the room. I walked into the closet. I was shocked to see girly clothes hanging. And to my surprise, there were some old clothes of mine that I like to repeat often. I grabbed my favourite white sweater with floral embroidery and a black sweatpants.

As I came out of the closet I found a familiar figure making my bed. I blinked rapidly and raised my eyebrows as I figured out who it was.

"Good heavens, Kara! Oh my god!" I breathed and she turned around with a warm smile. I ran towards her and embraced her in a tight hug. She threw her arms around me.

"Where were you?" I asked her after breaking the hug with a childish grin.

"Master ordered me to go to his hideout in Seoul. And I came today in the morning in Busan." She explained and I nodded. "I'm sorry for what happened to master."

"It's not your fault. Well I know, he will wake up soon." I forced a smile and she nodded.

"And yeah, thank you for stacking up my old clothes." I said while holding up my sweater.

"Oh, that's nothing. I brought it with me, today." She replied softly and bend down to grab a white box which was placed at the foot of the couch.

"Let's dress up your wound." She smiled brightly by holding a first aid kit in the air like a kid and we both laughed in unison.

"Well, you don't need to dress it up anymore. Just applying ointment will be enough, it's healing fast." She chimed after finishing applying the ointment and I wore my sweater and sweatpant. I bid her thanks and stormed out of the room.

I went downstairs with a growling stomach, towards the kitchen to find something to eat. I opened the fridge, and grinned like a happy child when I found a bottle of yogurt. I grabbed the yogurt and a spoon and stormed out of the kitchen.

I was walking involuntarily around the dining area, when I spotted Jin sitting alone outside in the lawn. I decided to trick him. I opened the large French window silently, without making any noise and tiptoed towards the bench where he was sitting.

"BOO!" I screamed near his ear and in return, he screamed almost ten times louder than I did. I placed my free hand over his mouth in order to shut him up.

"Shut up, Jin. You are horrible." I commented I between my laughs. His expression was as if he encountered with a live ghost.

"YAAAHHHH! You scared the shit out of me." He complained pouting and I bit my lips to stop my laughing. I sat down on the bench close to him gathering the warmth radiating from his body as his shoulder was touching mine.

"Anyways, what are you doing here alone? Where's unni?" I asked offering him yogurt and he shook his head in denial.

"We sent Bami and Hana back to Seoul, it's not safe here for them." He said looking at a small plant in front of us and I hummed in response. Suddenly, curiosity took the best of me and I rambled out the question.

"Jin, how did you ended up in Bangtan?" I asked kicking my legs in the air like a child and he chuckled.

"Why do you wanna know?" He asked nonchalantly.

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