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"Darshan,Wake up"

"What happened? Is the baby kicking? Is it not letting you sleep? "

"No I am suddenly having a real bad headache" Ishika said

"Did you take your medicines? " Darshan asked.

"Yes I did! But idk why is it happening" Ishika said crying.

Darshan took out his phone to check the time.

"Look its 2am now, we can't go to the hospital. We will go to the doctor in morning" Darshan said. He gave Ishika a painkiller and made her sleep.

🔹The next day, evening: city hospital🔹

"Mr and Mrs RAVAL The reports are here. The doctor wants to meet you." The nurse said.

"Darshan, you go and see the doctor I am going to the washroom. I will join you after I return." Ishika said

"Okay" Darshan snapped and walked inside the cabin.

"Plz have a sit Mr. Raval and where's your wife? " Doctor asked

"She went to the washroom. She might be coming" Darshan said.

"It's good she isn't here right now." The doctor exclaimed confusion me.

"Why doctor?What's the matter? Is everything fine?" Darshan asked in curiosity.

"See Darshan, the reports aren't in Ishika's favour. Her medicines aren't helping. Since she is pregnant we can't operate her. Even your baby is not fine in this condition. Her tumour might cause a damage in your baby too. She is already six months pregnant now. Neither we can do a abortion nor we can do the delivery in this period." The doctor said nodding his head.

"How much time she has doctor?" Darshan asked as his voice broke in between.

"We can't say anything maybe some months or maybe some days. Just make sure she doesn't come to know of this because this will affect her health even more. Take proper care of her and make sure she is never stressed." The doctor said and pescribed certain medicines for Ishika.

Meanwhile ishika,
While I was returning from the washroom, I overheard Darshan and the doctor. Tears started flowing through my eyes. I just touched my baby bump and I could feel the movements of my baby. I didn't want to die. I didn't want our love to stay unfulfilled. My own words rang in my mind, how I cursed Darshan 3 years back. How I cursed him that his love will stab him, how I cursed him that his love will forever stay unfulfilled and how I cursed him that HIS LOVE WILL NEVER BE HIS.

"Destiny rewarded the best punishment for me. Who says after there is heaven and hell after death . I have lived in both heaven and hell when I was Alive" I said to myself wiping off my tears as heard the door click open.

"Darshan, what do my reports say?Is everything fine?" I asked

"Yes, everything is fine. Our baby is fine too. There was some hormonal imbalance which led to the headache and it's quite normal during pregnancy. The doctor has pescribed some medicines. Once you take them, you will be fine" He said touching my baby bump.

I knew he was lying. I hated people who lie but for the first time I wanted to believe him. I wanted to convince myself that I won't die despite knowing that how hollow my dreams and aspirations were. I gulped down the lump in my throat and waked towards our car.

THE LOVE THAT WAS NEVER MINE | BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now