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Darshan's POV

It has been three months now. I regularly pay her visits. Things have changed between us. She has slowly started liking me again. If not liking at least she has started behaving normal around me. After knowing the truth about what happened two years back at least the hate she'd held on for me is gone.

(After all its the magic of Darshan Raval)

Yes, indeed she doesn't love me anymore like before. I don't expect her too but also I can't lie to myself. I have started falling for her.

"Miss hazel brown eyes, I am falling for you! .

(Yes Ishika was the girl with Hazel Brown eyes, the same girl that i was searching for months.)

That night I was too drunk & too angry to even look at you but after seeing those Hazle brown eyes of yours all I could think of you was BEAUTIFUL.

After all these years we met again. Coincidence or destiny?

The next morning Darshan went to Ishika's apartment to pay her a visit. He greeted aunty and uncle and walked to Ishika's room.

"Did you take your medicines?“ he said.
"Yes I did, and you don't need to come here everyday, I am fine." Snapped Ishika.
"Well Ishika it's completely my will l, if I want to visit or not" Darshan said & ishika kept doing her work.
Silence took it place.
"Well I have something important to tell you" Darshan said breaking the silence.
"Go on" ishika said without looking towards him.
"i- I mean I want to show you something" He fumbled.
"Why are fumbling, say or show whatever you have to" Ishika said smiling.
"Will you stop doing whatever you are doing in your laptop" Darshan said a bit annoying.
"Okayyyy baba" Ishika said keeping Away her laptop.

Darshan slipped his hands in his pocket and took out the box of ring. Ishika was looking at his behaviour confusingly.

"Miss Ishika Mehta will you please be mine? Will you please become Mrs Darshan Raval?" He said blushing & nervousness was visible in his voice.

Ishika wasn't expecting this coming. She looked at him in disbelief. Her mouth fell on the floor. Tears started rolling out from her eyes and it made Darshan more nervous.

"W-why do you do this? when you know I don't have the strength to handle all of these?" She said sobbing.

"I am not joking. I truly love you. I really do. Not from the past 3 months but from the past 9 months when I saw your Hazel Brown eyes peeping out through the car's window. I had been searching for you since then but never saw you ever again and now that I have found you, I want you to be mine. I know I've fucked up at first place very badly but I'm promising you, I'll never leave you ever again" Darshan said.

"Jiski zindagi ka hi bharosa na ho usey ye sare bharose kis kaam ke?"
"You are a nice person Darshan. None of us are perfect, we all are filled with our own flaws but you deserve someone better, far better than me. Don't ruin your life after me. You deserve someone who will always be there to hold you whenever you need them, you deserve someone who'll be there as a shoulder to cry upon. You deserve someone who'll make you happy" Ishika said crying.

"I don't know these stuff neither I want to know. Because you make me happy. You made me start loving again. Even after I lost believe on love, you made me realize how beautiful love is. I love you and i know somewhere in your heart, you love me too. I don't care about how many months, years, minutes, seconds we have together. Our love is meant to stay. Stay forever" He said in one go.

Ishika could not control her tears & Darshan hugged her. Ishika held darshan as tight as she could and she cried her heart out. After two long years she felt so relieved.

Darshan's love was surely doing something, magic on her. Surprisingly she was recovering way better than the doctors and her own parents had excepted.

Sometimes someone's love & care is what we need the most to live and Darshan was always there give the love & care she has always been praying for.

(Congratulations to all those people who guessed Ishika as the lady with hazel brown eyes😂❤️
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