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"It's been 6 months we are married now. Life is good and most importantly my health is improving. I have become a big name in Mumbai now.

" Ishika Darshan Raval, the famous fashion designer". The very thought of this makes me smile wide. I have even started designing clothes for Darshan and I am overwhelmed to see people loving my work.

Darshan is also doing very good in his field. From singing for Pritam da to Ameet trivedi and A.R Rahman sir, he has worked with almost every Indian music producer. There are times when he is busy, so busy that he cannot take out time for me. Indeed I get angry and sad but than his friends are always there to cheer me up.

From the past three days he isn't at home. He is out in Manali for the shooting of his upcoming music video. I am all alone in this big apartment but I have learnt to cope up with my loneliness. After all I can't stop him from doing his work." I thought as I drank my coffee.

"I can't wait to disclose that thing which I had been hiding from the past 1 week. Just come soon. I can't wait to break my silence Darshan" I Whispered to myself and just than the door bell rang.

"It must be Darshan"

I hurried to open the door and as expected it was Darshan. I hugged him as tight as I could and he gave me a forehead kiss.

"Go and get fresh! I will get you something to eat" I say and go to the kitchen.
I put the pan on the stove and started preparing his favourite "vaghereli kichdi"
I placed the khichdi beautifully in a bowl and took it to our bedroom.

"Darshan, look what I prepared for you! " I said to him.
"Khichdi! " He exclaimed. "Ishu i can't explain in words how much I missed your dishes"
"Btw, did you take your medicines? We're there any complications in my absence?“ Darshan asked in concern.
"Darshan! I have something to tell you" I said cutting him off.
"Ya ya say. You are fine na? “ he said placing his hand on my forehead.
" Yes Darshan i am" I said taking out the pregnancy kit from behind.

"Darshan, I am pregnant! You are soon going to become dad!" And Darshan just gulped down all the khichdi in his mouth and jumped off the bed.

I was surprised to see his reaction. For a moment I thought he wasn't happy and whatever happened was way too fast.

"I can't express how happy I am" He screamed in joy.
And I just breathed a sign of relief.

"Ishika, you just gave me the second best happiness of my life.
"Why second best?“ I asked in curiosity.
"Because you were the first best thing that happened to me" Darshan said kissing Ishika's cheeks.
"Now you really need to be more careful. You must take care of our baby too. Come, sit down. I will feed my baby khichdi" Darshan said holding my hands.
"Darshan, I just had coffee, I don't want to eat right now" I protested.
"Okay one spoon at least" he forcefully put the spoon in my mouth.


(A/N: So THE LOVE THAT WAS NEVER MINE is ending in few days and that will mark the end of phase one. Phase 2 will be the continuation of this story.
Also, I hope you guys are enjoying the story🤗💙 if you liked it then don't forget to vote❤️

THE LOVE THAT WAS NEVER MINE | BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now