Chapter 9: The Fae Realms

Start from the beginning

"You are very much welcome to stay with us, Cordelia and Volsair of Eldoria." The Faerie Queen said. "We only request one thing, and that is once you leave us, you retrieve the Orb of Kat'leah from the abandoned city of Kat'cha'le. It was left behind when the city was abandoned during the Dragon Wars. "

"We'll do that. No problem your highness." Volsair said, just happy that the pain was starting to ebb away again. He preferred going on a side quest, and being healed up, as compared to being booted out of the medical ward, before he could completely heal.

Cordelia didn't fight him on the decision to preform the task for the Fae Queen. They could always discuss the decision later. Then Cordelia's stomach audibley growled.

The Fae Queen looked in Cordelia's direction, as the Healer began to take Volsair's vitals. "Non- Fae Food, is always available upon your request. " The Fae Queen said, "It's the same food that the Champions eat when they stay with us, you will be in no danger of being restricted to leave the realm."

Cordelia glanced over at Volsair. He was having to say AAHHH for the healer to look down his throat. The healer nodded, and made a note on a piece of parchment, that was on the end table. "Food would be a good place to start." Volsair said with a smile to the Fae Queen. "And thank you, your Highness. My companion and I have both had a long journey."

"Your highness." The healer said, reading off piece of parchment. "Champion Volsair, didn't break anything, but he did hurt his, shield arm, part of his back and the back of his shoulders. But, he is expected to be completely healed in a day or two."

"Thank you for examining him." The Fae Queen told the healer. She then turned to Volsair and Cordelia. "Food will be brought here, but I request Volsair to stay here, in the medical ward until the healer clears him, to be out and about. Cordelia is free to come and go as she wishes."


In two days, Volsair had healed to the point where he could move his arms, without the angry hornet of stinging pain, shooting up and down his arms. Volsair was then usually found down at the training grounds, attempting to perfect his near perfect sword forms. He was without shirt and shoes, his dark skin slicked with sweat, his breathing controlled. Volsair was using a training sword, he moved with the grace of a dancer, his blade an extension of his arm.

Cordelia had decided to get some practice in too. She was just down from him, using her knives attempting to run and hit the five targets without stopping. It required speed, grace, good aim, and at times a a small degree of luck.

Today was the day where she lacked most of those things. Instead of hearing the hollow thunk! of her knives hitting the target all she heard was the solid sound of them hitting ever where else but the target.

When Cordelia was retrieving her throwing knives, she looked over at Volsair, if anything to know if he needed another visit to the healer. Cordelia's jaw nearly dropped. She felt her face redden as she admired the prowess of his sword forms.  His muscles that looked like they were chiseled by a great Eldorian sculptor. The emerald tattoo on his side that stretched to his back, flexed with his body, as if to emphasize his movement. Cordelia was about to close her mouth when Volsair looked over at her, apparently he knew he was being watched.

Volsair smiled a knowing half-smile, but continued his training routine. It was one thing to know somebody was watching you, it was another thing to let on that you knew you were being watched.

" Arquariagrada!" Volsair barked, bringing his training sword down in an overhead arch, the blade's shiny metal rippled, but maintained the form of a sword. Except for one thing, when he swiped his sword to the left a band of water came from the sword. As if the water was running down the sword. When Volsair brought the sword back, the band of water shortened. Then the band of water sprang forth, slapping the training dummy, sending it into a spin, with another slap from the water band, the training dummy fell with a clatter.

The Tail of the Sword and Shield  #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now