A Page from the Eldorian Guidebook : Dealing in the Wilds

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Throughout the kingdom, there are hamlet's and villages, where the stories that are shared, are being lived out. These stories are still happening, even at the time this guidebook is being prepared for printing.

In these villages and hamlets, the Fae still enterveane in in the matters of others. However, not enough for the current  ruler of Eldoria to be involved. When dealing with the Fae, it is best to speak as little as possible. Don't be a jerk. And do not promise anything. If you make a promise with the Fae, you are magically bound to fulfilling your end of the bargain. Believe me dear reader, they will see to you fulfilling  your end.


Some animals, speak and walk upright. If a traveler comes across such animal, it is best to treat them as you would a regular person. Most civilized animals are good at heart, and mean you no harm. If you are attacked, bare in mind, they (usually) have teeth, claws, and human intellect.

Travelers beware, some spirits lurk the woods, ready to have an unsuspecting traveler for a meal. It would be deemed wise, to hold off travel until morning, and to refrain from traveling in inclement weather.

Travelers are also urged to be careful when asking for directions. If a person asks for food before giving directions, it is best to share. Some accounts have been given of someone not sharing their food, and as a result, getting completely lost in the woods.

Please note: the editor, has placed "some" in the final manuscript, as to not discriminate against, non-human, non-physical, readers.

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