Chapter 31 : The Wizard of Naming Went on Break

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"Volsair?" Cordelia choked out, feeling the air fill her lungs. Oh, that sweet precious air!

"I'm right here, Cordelia, I'm right here." Volsair said, gently brushing her hair out of her face.

"How did you-" Was all she could get out as a fresh sharp pain went through her ankle. "MY ANKLE! STARS ABOVE, IT HURTS!" She yelled, jerking into a sitting position, smacking Volsair's nose with her forehead.

Volsair yelped, pulling away, his hands to his nose.

He hissed, blinking back tears. He gingerly touched his nose with his fingertips. Finding no blood, he leaned back down, so he could be closer to Cordelia.

"What happened to your ankle?" He asked, his voice calm.

"The cave-in. A-a rock landed on it. Volsair it hurts." She said, grabbing a fist full of his jacket sleeve.

Tears began to cloud her vision, her breathing was shaky, her chest still ached.

"Can you move it?"

Cordelia tilted her toes downward with a stifled hiss.

"Does it hurt when you do that?"

She nodded, biting her lip, trying to stop from trembling.

"You're going to the palace's Hospital Wing. And I'm gonna carry you there." He turned to the two soldiers, he brought with him that was now caring for Alkanos.

"Private Anderson, Specialist Russo, how is Prince Alkanos?" Volsair barked.

"He's doing good, sir!" Anderson said, snapping to attention.

"His breathing is normal and going strong, sir." Russo said.

"Prince Alkanos is to be taken to the Hospital Wing when we get to the palace. Do I make myself clear?" Volsair said, his voice full of authority.

"Yes, sir!" Both guards said.

"It won't be necessary for me," Alkanos said, "My lungs were made for the thinner air. Cordelia needs the healer more than I do."

"Your highness, with all due respect. I insist you be seen by a healer, as both your friend and as the Captain of the Guard." Volsair said, " Cordelia will be seen by a healer. I'll personally see to it." He turned back to Cordelia. "We're gonna need to stabilize your ankle, so you'll be safe to move."

Cordelia nodded.

Being as gentle as he could, Volsair splinted her ankle with two sheathed knives and her scarf. Once he finished, he said, "Baby, I'm sorry but chances are good, it will hurt some when I pick you up. I don't mean to hurt you, and I'm trying to be as gentle as I can."

"Okay." Cordelia said. The dust from the cave in coated the back of her throat. Her head still twinged, but nothing was as bad as her ankle.

He then picked her up with a grunt.

She cried out in pain, clinging to his neck, as he held her bridal style.

"It's okay, I got you. I'm here." Volsair softly consoled.

Cordelia felt like a shaken bottle of Champagne. It could have been from the pain, or from the near-death experience. No matter what the cause, the tears came. It was the rivers of tears, and visible molars, kind of crying.

Not even a Siren would be beautiful doing this kind of crying.

"Wh-wh-why didn't it work?!" Cordelia cried hot tears slid down her reading grime streaked cheeks.

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