New beginning *Epilogue*

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Hell..... that describes my life these past couple of years.

Complete hell. I bet your all wondering what happened.

Well let me start from the beginning.

Im having a daughter and her name will be Ivory  and the weird thing and Andrea will be giving birth around the same time....Just what George wanted.

Mareoa has 2 more years of college and he will be a doctor. We have been working our butts off. We also moved in together.

We have a house right next to Andrea and on the left of us is Frog's house.

Speaking of him. He is the same old Frog. He matured a little but he still acts like Frog.

George hasnt been home since he got Andrea pregnant 8months ago. I go check on her though.

Abi on the other hand....I rarely hear from her too....we all kind of split but we are still together if that makes sense....

Back to me though...Last time we talked I was 17 or 18 im currently 19 and still in college working on law....I will graduate when im 25. My grandma is my main supporter right along with my dad.

The sad thing is...My grandpa wont be here to see me succeed.  He is currently in a coma. If he makes no progress soon my grandma wants to pull the plug. This is the most difficult decision I think she has ever had to make.

I just thought I would fill in the empty space of  this chapter of my life.

Oh yeah I forgot one thing....That bitch Cassie is in prison for stalking.

Lets just say  the person she stalked just so happens to be engaged. *cough cough*

If you didnt get it yet.....Me and Mareoa are engaged....the wedding wont happen until my baby girl is 17 though.....our lives are busy and we want her to be of age when we decide to do our thing. Well thats all...

I think next time you hear about will be from my God daughter and my daughter.....these two will be hell I can already tell.....well guys I love you dearly....-xoxo-Diamond.


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