"You are soo cheesy"

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Fun is described by the things you enjoy most...if your not enjoying it your not having fun-Kelsey loves Pandas

I was scared for the suprise Mareoa had planned. What if it was something dumb....what if he bought me pads.

I would dig my own grave and lay in it. I had no clue and I had a funny feeling Frog knew.

Ive been bugging him all day and he wont tell me. Its making me angry. I think im just moody though.

"Diamond we have 3 more Periods" Frog say getting my science book and gym bag.

"Actually 2 in my opinion" I say.

Frog looks at me crazy.

"Please elaborate" he says.

"Well to me lunch isnt a period...its kind of like free time" I say.

"Well come on you still have your period to attend" he says.

I catch on to what he says and I scowl.

"That is not funny at all" I say.

He gives off a chuckle and throws an arm around me.

"You will survive little cappuccino...you will survive" he says.

I shrug his arm off as we make our way into the science room.

Oh lord...here we go with potassium and other elements of the periodic table I didnt care about.

I made my way into my seat and sighed.Mareoa usually helps me get through this class but,now that he isnt  here im pretty sure ill fail for today.

So I sat at my desk and stared at the ceiling half the class. When Mrs.Davis would ask a question I would duck behind the kid in front of me so she cant see me.

This helped me all through class and when it was time to go I gathered all my stuff and bolted to the bathroom to do what I had to do.

When I came out George was there instead of Frog.

"Where Is Frog?" I ask.

George hands me my book and looks down.

"He went to lunch with Abi" George says.

I nod as we make our way into the cafeteria. 

"I dont want to be a third wheel so I will just eat with the volleyball Squad" I say.

George pulls me back shaking his head in disagreement.

"Nope...Andrea went home...her tummy started hurting" George says.

"Oh" I say as I follow him into the lunch line.

He grabs the nasty food as I grab a Gatorade and a bag of Doritos.

I pay for my snack as I make my way towards the regular spot I sit in.

George is already there trying to eat the nasty chicken pot pie.

"George that chicken is grey" I say disgusted.

He looks at it then slaps it down.

"Give me a Dorito" he says opening his mouth wide.

I slap it back closed and he looks at me scowling.

"Meanie" he says.

I giggle as he opens his mouth and I place a chip in it.

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