Painful Memories

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Welp Guys heres your chapter for today...haha I want you guys to show some support to a friend of mine that started a instagram page dedicated to you lovely wattpaders...... I will be posting her I.G name soon.

Welp LETS GO!!!



Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.

                         -Narcotics Anonymous

I woke up to the  sound of my heart monitor beeping. I looked around the room to see alot of people packed into this tiny room. The one that shocked me the biological father.

The man I thought hated me. I wondered what he was doing here.

Instead of worrying about that I looked around til I found  my grandma....

"Diamond Honey you okay?" my grandma ask.

I nod since I couldnt talk due to the breathing mask  on my face. She strokes my hair and looks at my grandpa.

He gives her a worried look and she looks at me again.

"Baby we're going to step into the hall" my grandma says.

I nod and she looks at Mareoa.

"Stay by her side" she says.

He nods and walks over to me.

He doesnt talk but he kisses my forehead and grabs my hand.

"Dammit Diamond why didnt you tell me anything....I would kick ass for you" Frog says from the corner.

He was trying to make me feel better and it was working.

To add to the laughter Mareoa's mom grabbed him.

"Frog sweetie lets go get some juice" she says.

He wipes the imaginary tear..."Watermelon juice?" he asked.

She giggles. "Yes dear..come on" she says.

They leave out and my aunt Queen comes over and looks at me.

"Im not the one to sugar coat my exit...your dad wants to talk to you...Mareoa here isnt gonna leave..he is protective over you...keep him Diamond..and get well soon" she says.

I nod again. My aunt and my cousins leave the room and the door closes.

My dad finally approaches me.

"Diamond...I know this is going to be weird...I havent seen you since  your 5th birthday...but honey...I heard about whats happening...Im moving here..I need to repair my life with you and protect you now that bastard Roman wont touch you ever again but I need to know what happened baby...why is he after you?" he ask.

I sigh and sit up. I take the mask off and look at Mareoa.

"You wanna hear it too?...if not I advise you to leave" I say.

Mareoa squeezes my hand.

"Im staying..I promised your grandma and you I would be here and im here Diamond." he says.

I sigh and close my eyes I traveled back to when I was 6 that first night....I began my story there.


I was 6...Mom had just started using and Roman was her supplier....She passed out on the floor.....Roman decided this would be the best time to do what he planned to he took me and placed me on a bed and took my shirt my pants and my under wear....he never raped me he only touched me....and sometimes he licked me....other then that..nothing else happened...Until one night  mom didnt come home and she left me there with Roman....I decided that night I wasnt gonna let him touch me..he came in into my room and tried to wake me...I thought if I didnt wake up he would just leave....Well  no he didnt he took a knife from the kitchen and came back in....He pulled my pants down and cut a line where my waist is...he cut it all the way around...I thought my body was going to be cut in half...but I was a dumb kid...he drove me to the hospital and dumped me in front of it....They called mom but I was too scared to tell her Roman did it...This went on until mom died....Then I moved with aunt Queen and then moved with Grandma...

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