Chapter 39

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I get to school and park my car.

Me- I love you baby I hope you get a job today!

I send Jay.

I go to my locker and grab my science, history and math books.

Jay- thanks babe have fun at school ;)

I grab my notebook/binder thing and close my locker.

Me-It would be more fun if you were here.

Jay- I will next week princess.

I walk to the front of the school as I text Jay. I have been meeting Zoey at the front of the school for the past week cause we have Math and science together.

"Texting Jay?" She asks when I see her.

"Maybe." I say and blush.

"I still need to meet him!" She says. Zoey is the only one that knows about the apartment. I guess having a girl around to talk to is nice.

"I know you should come home with me today so you can meet him! He will be home from work by then." I say.

"A working man. I like it." She says.

"Yup." I say. Alex is also in our math class. Zoey has a huge crush on him.

"You should date Alex." I say. I think Alex likes her too. After school I drive Zoey to her house and she gets clothes. I asked her if she wanted to spend the night. I've never had a sleepover before. When the guys spend the night we just watch movies and talk about football. When we get to the apartment Zoey's phone vibrates.

"Texting Alex?" I ask. Alex asked Zoey for her number at lunch.

"Maybe." She says and blushes. We walk inside and to the elevator.

"Hey Tim!?" I yell to the manager.

"Yes?" He says.

"Is Jay home yet?" I ask.

"Yes, He has been here for about an hour." He says.

"Thanks Tim." I say and we go up the elevator. I open the door and I see no one in the living room. Jay's mom did give us some lawn chairs so the room doesn't look so empty.

Jay walks into the living room, shirtless as always, and smiles.

"You must be Zoey!" Jay says and hugs her.

"You must be Jay!" She says.

"Now I get why you and Jordan are friends! You like to mock me." He says. We all laugh. Jay kisses me and hugs me.

"Zoey is spending the night. Is that okay?" I ask.

"Yeah that's fine." He says and smiles. Zoey takes her stuff into the bedroom.

"Ill sleep in the living room so you can have your girl time." He says.

"Thanks." I say and smile. I made friends with a few other girls and invite them over. Kate and Jenny.

"How about I go to Alex's house." He says.

"I think that's a good idea." I say and push him out the door. We lay blankets everywhere in the living room and order a pizza. We are in our Pj's and start dancing around when Zoey puts her iPhone into my speakers. It's kind of loud though. I hear a knock on the door. I turn it down. It Mark I bet. I open the door and see two cops.

"We heard there's loud music and the smell of drugs coming from this room." One says.

"No." I squeak out. Cops just scare me.

"Can we look around." The other says.

"Sure." I say. I walk over to the other girls. They look around the living room.

They look at each other then at us. They take of their sunglasses. Alex and Jay! They both rip of there pants. Alex walks over to Zoey and sits her in one of the chairs. Jay walks over to me and smirks.

"So sexy." I say. He takes off his shirt. He gives the other girls lap dances. Best night ever. Alex and Zoey start making out. Jay ends with me. He sits me in the chair and grinds on me. He's rock hard.

"You little tease." I say. He sucks my neck.

After Jay and Alex are done I know all of the girls are happy. Im more than happy. Jay and Alex put their pants and shirts back on.

"You girls are looking fine tonight." Jay says tipping his hat to us. They leave and everyone turns to Zoey.

"I though you two were going to have sex in that chair!" Jenny says to her. Zoey blushes.

"Your boyfriend is too sexy." Morgan says to me.

"Don't I already know?" I say and laugh. We lay down but still talk. Mostly about guys and other things. We wake up and we all get ready for school.

Football girl {Book one}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon