Chapter 14

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Me and Jay throw the football around and when I catch it I run to the other side of the field and watch him chase me. I laugh as he scoops me up in his arms and spins me around.

“Put me down!” I yell laughing.

“What’s the magic word?” He says smirking.

“Please.” I say giving him a puppy dog face. He lets me down and my phone rings. I run over to it and see its Nolan.

“Hey.” I say.

“Hey I was wondering if you would kindly get some beers and bring them to my house and let’s get drunk with some of the others.”

“Um sure do you want me to invite Jay?” I ask.

“Sure I don’t care.” He says.

“Ok I’ll be there soon.” I say and hang up.

“Who was that?” Jay asks.

“Nolan, He wants me to come over and bring some beer for him and the guys.”

“I do-.” Jay starts.

“You’re coming too.” I say and roll my eyes and start walking to my car.

“Good.” I hear him mumble. I turn around and put my hands on my hips.

“Sorry.” He says with a smirk.

“You better be or I might get the guy to make you have seven minutes in heaven with me.” I say and laugh. I walk away and spin my key on my finger.

“Oh shut up!” Jay says laughing and blushing.

“Make me!” I say.

He turns me and kisses me.

“I just did.” He says. I smile then get in my car. Jay gets in his old ford pickup trunk that I just love. I remember when his grandpa gave it to him just before he died. I sigh at the thought and start my car and drive out of the parking lot. I go to my house really quick and get some beers. I call Nolan back.

“Hey I was wondering if you and the guys would like to go camping tonight and the rest of this weekend since we don’t have school Monday and the game is Friday.” I say grabbing the beers putting them in a cooler.

“Sure I’ll tell the guys to go home and get their stuff.” He says and hangs up. I wonder if Jay will tell them about us or does he want me to do it? He’s the guy so he should right? I’m sound like a girl and I hate it so much. I pack my stuff for the weekend and grab our tent. I run back outside and tell Jay to go home and get his stuff for camping. He gives me a quick kiss and leaves. I pick my stuff in my car and lock my house. Logan and his sister moved out and are living with his grandparents. I walk back to my car and feel like I’m all alone. I am. I shiver and get into my car. I back out of the driveway and drive to Nolan’s house. I get to his house and see a few cars. I get out and walk up to his front door.

“Hey.” Alex says smiling when I open the door.

“Hey.” I say smiling back. Nolan is on the couch watching TV. I flick him in the back of the head.

 “Hello to you too.” He says knowing it’s me. I sit next to him and look and see it’s a baseball movie.

“Jay will be here in a little.” I say.

“So what’s up with you and him?” Nolan asks.

“I gave him a chance, but please don’t tell anyone else I want to see if Jay does.” I say.

“I won’t I promise, but you know if he hurts you I’m not holding back.

“I don’t think Jay will hurt me.” I say and mean it.

Football girl {Book one}Where stories live. Discover now