Chapter 38

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I open the door and mom is in a dark red dress and Rob is dressed like Jay but has a black jacket on. Jay puts on his dress shoes and we walk out. He locks the door then grabs my hand. Rob looks down my body and Jay sees him. Jay pulls me close to him. We ride in Robs car in the back. We get to a really fancy restaurant and Rob parks the car. Jay gets out of the car and before I can open my door Jay has already opened it. I step out and I have to move the top of my dress. Stupid strapless bra and dress!

"Let me get it." Jay says after he sees I can't get it. He pulls it up for me and I blush. He smiles at me.

"Your so sweet." I say and kiss him.

"I try." He says. We walk to the front door and mom and Rob are behind us. I look behind me and I can see Rob looking somewhere he shouldn't. I roll my eyes and get closer to Jay and he wraps his arm around me having his hand in the small of my back. Jay opens the door for us but I let Mom and Rob go first waiting for Jay. I walk in. I know Jay knew Rob was looking at me. I'm glad he's not making it a big deal.

"Table for four." Rob says to the waiter. Wait, I know who that is!

"Alex?" I ask.

"Jordan! Jay!" Alex says.

"I didn't know you worked here man!" Jay says and they man hug. Me and Alex hug.

"I didn't till a few weeks ago." Alex says. "I'm trying to get some money so I can go to LSU with my girl." The whole team calls me "their girl". I laugh and Alex takes us to our table. Alex brings us our drinks.

"You better not mess up my food." I tease Alex.

"Ill make sure of it." He says and winks at me.

"Is he your friend?" Mom asks me.

"Yes, and he's on my football team." I say.

"Yeah, your father was telling me you were the quarterback?"

"Yup." I say. "Jay is the middle linebacker."

"I used to be the running back." Rob says.

"My best friend Nolan is the running back. Alex is center." I say. We small talk for awhile. Jay doesn't say much just answers question. like "What do you want your job to be?" "how long have you known Jordan?" "where are you going to college?" The college one hits Jay hard.

"I don't know, I know I'm not going to LSU but I promised Jordan I would get a small college close so we can still see each other." He says. Alex brings the food out and hands me mine first.

"For the geek." He says. I give him a dirty look then smile. he gives everyone their food then leaves.

"Are you really going to leave Jason so you can go to a big school?" Rob asks me.

"I.. Um.." I say. "ill be right back." I run to the bathroom and burst into the door. no one is in here. Fucking Rob! Of all questions he could ask!?

"Jordan Baby. can I come in?" I hear Jay as he knocks.

"It's the girls room." I say. He comes in anyways.

"I don't care." He says. "and you don't have to reply. You have been wanting to go to this college forever. I know you love me and I love you. Just because we go to different colleges that doesn't mean we will stop loving each other." Jay says with his hands on both sides of my head making me look at him.

"I know. I love you too." I say. We walk back to the table and finish eating. We pay and Jay wants to pay for mine and his. We go back to the apartment and we all sit in the kitchen. There's only three chairs. Jay sits down and puts his hands on my hips sitting me on his lap.

"I have a question for you Carol." Jay says.

"Which is?" She says and looks at Jay.

"Why did you do drugs?" He says.

"I um." She says.

"Tell me." I say.

"When me and your father started dating in college. I found some friends that did drugs so I started. I couldn't stop till me and your dad spilt." She says.

"Well because of your stupid teenage mind! My girlfriend can't have any babies!" Jay says and slams his fist on the table. I jump and put my hand on his. He is shaking. I look at him and tears run down his face. "Ill be right back." He says. I stand up and he leaves the kitchen and I hear a door slam.

"I'm sorry Jordan. I didn't know." Mom says.

"It's fine. Jay is taking it hard though." I say. "I'm going to go check on him." I walk down the hall. I head sobs coming from the bathroom. I turn the knob and open the door. Jay's body shakes as he crys into his hands. I close the door and bend down. I move his hands and he looks at me. His eyes are red from crying.

"I'm sorry I said anything." He says. I kiss him.

"Don't be. I was wondering the same thing. I just don't have to guts to ask." I say. He smiles. "Lets go say goodbye then we can watch a movie on my laptop." I say

"That sounds good." Jay says. We say goodbye and my mom and Rob leaves. I go the bedroom and Jay follows. I take off my dress and my bra. I put on running shorts and a blue tank top. Jay watches me.

"Writing a book about me?" I ask and giggle.

"No." He says and blushes. Jay takes off his clothes other than his boxers. I grab my laptop and jump on the bed.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask turning it on.

"What about a scary movie?" He asks.

"No!" I whine and hide under a blanket.

"Boo!" He says pulling off the blanket. I playfully give a little scream that makes him smile. He types in Nightmare on elm street.

"Anything but that!" I yell.

"I'm here." He says. He starts the movie and I cuddle up right next to him. When Freddie jumps out I scream and put my face in his chest. About halfway in Jay starts to get up.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"The bathroom." He says.

"Don't leave me!" I say grabbing his arm.

"Baby. It's fine ill be right back." He says and leaves. I pull my legs to my chest and close my eyes. After a few minutes Jay still isn't back. Something grabs my foot and starts pulling me off the bed. I scream bloody murder. The light turns on and Jays hand is on my foot.

"I hate you!" I yell. I start slapping him. He climbs on the bed and I stay away from him. He turns off the light and turns the movie back on. I move over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. His arms wrap around me and we stay like that till the end.

"Do you still hate me?" Jay asks.

"Yes." I say.

"I wuv you!" Jay says in a baby tone.

"I love you too." I say and smile. I turn off my laptop and we cuddle till I fall asleep. My phone alarm rings for school. I groan and turn it off. Jay isn't in bed. I turn on the light and walk to the closet. I take off my clothes as put on clean underwear and bra. I slip on grey sweatpants and grab one of Jay's sweatshirts. You can smell him on it. I slip it on and grab my Nike high tops. I walk to the bathroom and brush my hair.

I tie it back in a ponytail. I wash my face then I put make-up under my eyes to look more awake. I smell pancakes. I walk into the kitchen and see a stack of pancakes and bacon on the table.

Sorry I could kiss you before I left. I need to find a job. I love you so much my little princess. -Jay

The note says next to it. I eat the pancakes and smile. I finish eating and drive to school.

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