Chapter 3

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Jay above (Jake Miller)

Kelly doesn't have the boobs I do so the dress hangs low. I gave her one of my padded bras, don't ask. It helped a lot. She wanted me to wear one too. "You know Logan has the hots for you right?" she says as we get dressed.

"Logan?" I say.

"Yes, the Logan, likes you." she says.

"He doesn't like me." I say.

"You like him, don't you." she says.

"I do not!" I say crossing my arms.

"Oh really? Cause you and him were sitting pretty close when I was painting your nails!" she says.

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Was not!" the door opens and luckily me and Kelly had our dresses on.

"What's going on in here?" Logan says popping his head in.

"Oh just talking about how much Jordan loves you!" Kelly says.

"I do not!" I say. I do.

"Sure, liar!" she says. "Jordan and Logan sitting in a tree not just kissing but Jordan is half naked!"

"No, no, no, I'm not even going to imagine or think, of being undressed by Logan." I say. Logan blushes. "You better be quite or I won't take you to the surprise!" Kelly is quite.

"Can I talk to you Jordan?" Logan asks.

"Sure." we walk out of my room and I shut the door.

"What is the surprise?" he asks.

"I'm not telling you!" I say and slap his arm.

"Tell me!" he says and starts ticking me. I start laughing.

"Stop!" I yell laughing. I pull him to the ground. Logan pins me to the ground.

"Tell me!" he says. Kelly walks out and sees Logan and me. Our position looks kind of weird.

"What's going on?" Kelly says smirking.

"Nothing." I say and push Logan up but he pins me back down.

"Tell me." he says.

"Lean down." I say. His face gets closer to mine.I look at Kelly and give her the look. She knows what I'm doing.

"Now, kiss me." I say. Logan starts to lean in. "so you do like me!" he jumps and falls back. His face turns bright red. He looks like he's about to cry.

"Logan likes Jordan! Logan likes Jordan!" Kelly sings skipping around. I see a tear slip out and he runs downstairs.

"Logan wait! I'm sorry!" I yell and run after him. I'm not used to running down the stairs in heels. I trip and fall. I fall down the stairs then fall into someone's arms. I look up and see two blue eyes.

"I thought you liked me, so I thought if I didn't kiss you, you would be sad. I don't want you sad." he says. I don't know what to say.

"Let's go." I say.


Next day at school, lunch comes and the whole team sits together. Jay comes over and sits next to me. "You're such a loser." He says laughing and pushes me out of the seat. I laugh and get back up.

"And you're a dork." I say sitting back down. The team sits down. Our team likes to have this mad arm wrestling at lunch. Me and Nolan go first. He rolls up his sleeve and we grip each other's hands.

"Go!" Jo says. I get Nolan down. Logan walks over.

"And I'm a loser?!" I say to Jay. He laughs and shoves me off the chair again. Logan sits at the table. The teacher comes around and tells us to get our food. Nolan pays for my food. "Thanks." I say and grin at him.

"Tomorrow, we aren't arm wrestling." he says and chuckles.

"I'm fine with that." I say and we walk back to our table. Jay on one side of me and Logan sit next to me on the right.

"Can I talk to you, alone?" I ask Logan. He sighs and shakes his head. We walk over to the window seats in the lunch room. "I'm really sorry about yesterday, I feel horrible."

"Its fine Jordan." he says and puts his hands in his pockets.

"No, it's not, what can I do to say I'm sorry?" I say looking at the ground.

"Can me and Kelly stay the night at your house?"

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