Chapter 15

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“Does one of them look like you? Cause when you looked up you smiled and whenever I look at you, I smile.” Jay whispers in my ear. I lean on him and all the other guys sit on logs and we just sit and talk, mostly play around and laugh. Around midnight everyone is tired so the guys put out the fire and, not, with water. Let’s just say it was gross. I go into the tent and lay out my sleeping bag and craw inside. Jay walks in zipping up the door. Jay lays next to me and unzips my sleeping bag opening it all the way.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“I want to cuddle.” Jay says. It’s really dark all I can see is figures. He lays my sleeping bag flat, which it does when you unzip it all the way, and lays on it bringing me on top of him. His arms are around my waist just above my butt. I kiss Jay but he has other plans. I feel his hand slip into my sweatpants.

“Have you ever orgasm?” Jay asks me.

“I... I um... no.” I say. Jay lays me down and pulls down my underwear and pants. I feel his hand on me. His fingers slid into me. I arch my back. Jay puts his hand on my stomach lowering me back down and he starts to go in and out in me. I moan and he puts his hand over my mouth. I feel something in my stomach as he goes faster. I cum onto his fingers and I close my eyes.

 I wake up the next morning with Jay’s arms around me. I think, I’ve dated Logan, Michael, and Jay, and told them I love them but, I do love Jay. I really know I love him. I guess you don’t really know if you love someone or not. I don’t know. Jay has been there for me, even if I didn’t want him there. Logan, I think was just a crush, Michael I don’t really know, I guess it was so I could get him off my back. I feel like I a slut going around saying shit I don’t really mean, or thought I meant it. I have the best boyfriend and the best friends, I could ever ask for. Jay gets me. He’s known me forever, I didn’t just meet him. I think about in 8th grade the seven minutes in heaven with Jay. I just wanted it to look like we had kissed or made out so I didn’t have to be in that small closet again because I know if we didn’t come out looking like we made out I would have to go back in there with Jay. I didn’t know Jay did want to kiss me. Why didn’t he just do it? Jordan you’re not the best at being nice to someone, remember Garrett?  The voice inside my head says. I guess for the first time the voice is right. A year before the seven minutes in heaven, this kid named Garrett said he liked me and I kind of got sick in the trash can... I didn’t mean it as he was gross, my stomach was hurting and I got sick. To this day people won’t even get around Garrett. I felt so bad, and still do today. I bet that’s why Jay didn’t kiss me or ask me out earlier. Poor Jay, and Garrett but I’m glad Jay final asked me out though.

“Good morning boo.” I hear Jay’s voice whisper in my ear. I turn around and he still looks tired.

“I like your morning voice. It’s deeper.” I whisper back.

“Is that a good thing?” He says.

“A very good thing.” I say then kiss him. I unzip the door and craw out. Alex, Drew, and Kenny, are around the morning fire.

“It still smells like Nolan’s piss out here.” I say and laugh sitting next to Drew. The guy’s chuckle.

“So, the woman out here what’s for breakfast?” Alex asks me.

“Sticks.” I say and throw him on. He flips me off laughing.

“Real food.” Drew says putting his arm around my shoulders.

“Once all the guys are up maybe we could drive to the waffle house or something.” I say.

“Sure.” They say. Fully clothed Jay walks over to us.

“Hey what’s wrong with you?” Drew says.

“Get your fucking arm off her.” Jay grows at him.

“Whoa sorry bud, I’m guessing you have a produced bubble around her.” Drew says and takes his arm back and off of me.

“No I just, I just don’t want you or anyone else to touch her, and she’s mine.” Jay says glaring at all of us.

“Woof.” I say. Jay tries to put his arm around me but I glare at him and push him away. Standing up I flip Jay off and walk back to the tent. I’m not his fucking ass doll that he say what some can and can’t do to me. Drew has been my friend for over 7 years I don’t think He would hurt me in anyway., or take me away from Jay and Jay knows that but he wants to be an ass. Jay is already pissing me off and it’s only the second day. After zipping up the tent door, I lay on my sleeping bag and it smells like Jay. I grab his shirt he word yesterday and cuddle with it. I hate this. He makes a dam mistake, and I’m the one feeling sad about it. I take off my shirt and put on Jay’s. I lay back down and door unzips they someone gets in and it zips it closed.


“Can we talk?” 

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