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"Juni! Juni! Why are you sleeping silly?" Kimberly giggled as she shook me awake

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"Juni! Juni! Why are you sleeping silly?" Kimberly giggled as she shook me awake.

"K-Kimberly?" I gasped, tears springing to my eyes as I took in her angelic form.

"We need to hurry! We're going to miss the plane!" She chuckled in her usual carefree manner.

"Plane?" I questioned aloud, as Kimberly grabbed my hand, and suddenly we were racing along the tarmac to reach the bandaged plane.

A feeling of dread swept over me as I realised this plane was doomed to crash. But it was as if I had frozen on autopilot, unable to stop or warn Kimberly of the impending danger. We were high in the sky and a storm was coming, roaring closer like a ferocious beast. Kimberly, as sweet and positive as ever simply laughed and told me it was all going to be ok, even though I knew it wasn't.

But then suddenly the plane was splitting in two like a child's toy, and Kimberly was screaming, begging for help.

"Juni! Help! Help me please!" She cried.

"Kimberly!" I screamed, trying desperately to hold onto her body that was trying to plummet to the earth below.

"Juni! Please save me!"

"Kim... I'm trying!" I cried as her hand started to slip from my fingers.

"Juni!" She cried out looking terrified, as she slipped from my fingers and hurtled to the unforgiving earth below.

"Kim!" I screeched, bolting upright, sobbing riotously.

"Juni! What's wrong? Are you ok?" James asked frantically from beside me.

"Oh my goodness, what's wrong?" Paisley exclaimed on the other side of me, as James pulled me into his arms and tried to calm me.

"S-she, she's gone! They're a-all gone!" I wailed, waking everyone up.

"I know Juni. We're all in the same boat." Elian murmured comfortingly from across the totalled jet.

"You have us Juniper." James whispered whilst rubbing my back through the darkness.

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't stop crying, I was just too depressed, too sad to go on. But then I realised James was right. I wasn't on my own... I had everyone beside me, comforting me and not mad because I woke them up in the middle of the night. Kimberly would want me to fight to live so I could ensure her memory lived on - encourage everyone that we lost memories to live on. I had to honour her life and let the world know what an amazing person she was.

"Are you ok Juniper?" Chip asked when I released James and started to calm down.

"Not really... but we have to carry on to let the world know what an amazing bunch of people they were." I sniffled.

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