Ponkomeki D. Jefferson [C]

Start from the beginning

He has been mockingly called sexually degrading words which I choose not to say because of his homosexuality. The first story takes place in 2001, so this is still seen as an abnormal occurance.

Age: Ponkomeki's age in the first book is 25, in the second 29, and in the last 31. (Age in 2001, age in 2005, and age in 2007.) During a snippet of a wedding in 2013, he is 37. He was born on July 11th, 1976.

Gender: He is biologically (and identifies as) a male. Although he will crossdress occasionally, usually to get into restaurants.

Sexuality: His sexuality is a very big problem for him, as homosexual people were often shunned and punished whether it be from the public, local authorities or law enforcement. He identified as straight although it was obvious that he lacked attraction towards the opposite sex and later when firing because of sexuality was illegalized in Trenton, New Jersey, he came out as a gay male, but rarely mentions it as he deems it inappropriate to dictate his life.

[ Lovely.]

Species: His species is human. Unless you count the fact bananas share a lot of our dna, he's 100% human, without a doubt.

Nationality: Ponkomeki is A British American, who immigrated when he turned 18. He was born in Birmingham, England. To this day, he speaks a sometimes undechiperable when he's drunk cockney English.

[ Yep, I'm fine with that, one issue would be with the accent. Cockney is more of Londoners accent, typically an East-Enders accent. Ponko being born and raised in good old Brum would more likely give him the delightfully monotone Brummie accent over the Cockney one. I'm gonna run with the idea that he was meant to have the Brummie accent, how does he feel about his accent? Have others shared their opinions on his alcohol-fuelled accent? I don't know how the accent is seen overseas but within Britain, particularly England, it doesn't have the best reputation. Have a deeper look into the many, many regional accents of Britain, as well as the dodgy accent social hierarchy thing we've got going.]

Appearance: Ponkomeki is an average European in terms of appearance. Dirty blonde short hair in a Sherlock-curl style and blue eyes, along with almost monochrome white skin.

[ Relatable, painfully so.]

He's a handsome guy.

[ Not so relatable. But agreed he does seem as though he would be a good looking lad.]

Even then, he is sorely underweight because of an illness named Borderline Personality Disorder, which will be mentioned later. He, at 5 foot 6, weighs only 105 pounds.

[ That works.]

Because of their job and overworking habits, they are often seen in a Policeman's uniform. Other than that they wear average clothing for their time and age.

Health: Their health both mentally and physically is rather poor. Like I mentioned earlier, there are underweight. Because of their risky job as well, they have multiple stab and bullet wounds in certain areas, although this does not stop their commitment.

[ It would make sense with him being underweight, it would be likely that lawbreakers could overpower him in close quarters.]

His mental health, like I mentioned earlier, is partially disabled by BPD, which can make him angry or anxious about sudden changes in routine, the lack of a loved ones presence (ex. A friend going on a vacation), and other things as well which could make this list way too long. They also have common symptoms like suicidal thoughts, emotional instability, ect.

[ How does he feel about having BPD? When did he get diagnosed with it, if he has been diagnosed? How did he deal with it prior to knowing he had it? What sort of difficulties does having BPD cause Ponko and his law enforcement career? I have an awful feeling that Ponko would most definitely struggle with policing due to his weight but mainly his BPD. He is going to be faced with sudden changes, calm situations which can very quickly turn south, situations which would require him to keep a clear focused head as to avoid harm to himself and to others. I don't think it would be safe for him to become a police officer, for his own safety and to those around him.]

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