Imagine• Daddy (m.c) (not kink, ya nasty)

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"Why does it keep peeing?!" Michael screeches while frantically covering your new born babies doodle with a wipe.

"Michael stop calling him an it!" You groan while rubbing your belly that is now free of any fetus.

"I'm sorry (Y/N) but you won't let me name him Daniel so 'it' is the last option!" Michael shouts making baby Daniel/It cry harder.

He fumbles with the fresh diaper. You have been incredibly stressed since the birth of your baby boy. Michael has taken some time off from work and helped you with the baby...not that him being around has helped much. He doesn't know much about babies but he tries and that's all you can really ask from him.

You throw off your apron and speed walk over to the love of your life and the huddle of joy you had created together. Baby Daniel/It has started to wail while Michael was wrapping a blue diaper around his butt, backwards.

"Mikey you're not doing it right." You protest and Michael moves away, his hands held out far away from him as dribbles of pee from your baby soak them.

You look at the beautiful child in front of you and grimace as it lets out another ear piercing shriek. Putting a purple binky his mouth, you wipe off the wetness that has spread down the toddlers legs with a wipe and put on a fresh diaper.

Daniel/It calms down and you sigh, redressing him and cradling him in your arms.

Michael walks over slowly, his hands free of urine, and tries to comprehend what just happened. His jaw is slack as he speaks.

"H-H-How-Holy shít." Michael utters and you glare at him for using foul language around his child. "You're a fücking genious..."

He comes up behind you and puts his hands on his hips. "How did you do that?"

Michael's voice cracks in the middle of his statement and you laugh as he blushes. You shake your head and cuddle the baby to your chest. Mikey comes behind you bowing is head in shame.

"I'm a terrible father..." he trails off, rubbing his hands through his purple hair.

You quickly jump in, protesting his words,"No, you're an amazing dad." Looking down at the bundle of life in your arms, you smile.

"Isn't daddy amazing?" You speak in a high pitched voice. "Daddy is so good! The best Daddy ever!" Tickling the child's stomach, you and Michael grin as Daniel/It laughs.

Michael laughs and takes the baby from your arms. Michael holding a baby is like an oxymoron. His purple mane  becoming the childs favorite thing to play with. Daniel/It yanks on the colorful locks with all his might and Michael winces, gently pulling the babies hand away from his hair.

"No, no, no." He says in an adorable high voice that you grin widely over. The baby doesn't listen and his tiny fingers wrap around the tousled hair again. He pulls with more force making Michaels head move.

"Are you sure he isn't Ashton's kid? He is pretty strong?" You chuckle and Michael gives you a playful glare. He has the top of his head down in front of the babies face, he tries using both hands.

"Maybe he wants to have hair like yours?" You suggest, not thinking.

Michael releases and excited gasp and your eyes widen. 'Damnit' You think to yourself, watching the gears move in his head.

"We can dye his hair!" he shrieks and the baby looks at him confused before busting into laughter. "What color are we gonna dye your hair? Red? Green? Black? Or do you wanna have purples like Daddy's?" He speaks to the child.

"Mikey, by the time I allow you to dye his probably won't have any." Michael shrugs.

"But isn't that the point of having children?"


"You have kids to live out your hair dreams." Michael says. "This little fella is gonna be the new fetus Michael Clifford."

Had to...sorry.

But anyway...Ashton next, I think

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