Blurb• Sickness (Cake)

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Because Cake is sick...Enjoy...

Luke: Luke would probably be extremely cuddly while sick, being that thats the only way for him to feel better. He would insist that you stay by his side and watch reruns of your favorite tv shows with him. Although he would want you close he would still take the necessary precautions to keep you healthy; making you wear a medical mask (that he wrote your name on so it was more "fashionable"), making you wash your hands directly after touching him, and have a separate duvet being that his is "all gross and sicky"

Calum: Calyum is probably very annoyed with being captivated in his room all day so he will ant you to keep him busy. You might need to pull out a few movies and some music to hold him back from sneaking out of his room. If he is sick while he is away on tour he will probably need to skype you to keep himself from pulling his hair out. He'll make threats like "If I dont get out off this bed, I'll make sure that you wont be able to either." And give you tinder bites because you are forcing him to rest.

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