Imagine• "Memories" (any)

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"Wake up." He whispers to you, kissing under your earlobe. You grasp at the warm sheets, there temperature effected by his body heat. "I have to leave, baby, wake up."

His words hit your sleeping body and you beg to go back under into sleep, just to prohibit this feeling of loneliness a little longer. You didn't want him to leave, you didn't want his warmth from your shared sheets to vanish. So you pleaded to go back to sleep.

You forced your eyes open, deciding it was better to see him now that to pretend it wasn't happening. He looks so tired, but he was glowing with the morning suns fresh light, his eyes sparkling.

The moment was blissful and, of course, his words had to ruin that. "I have to leave, baby." He tried to soften it with a kiss, knowing how upset you were already.

"Can't you just stay?" You groan, stretching your sleepy limbs. "Just for a few more minutes?" He chuckles as you roll over, groaning more as your body relaxes into the cushion of his pillow.

"I'll do you one better." His lips kiss down your neck and touch your shoulder after he positions you on his lap. "We have 30 minutes, the drive to the airport, and hopefully a delayed flight."

You try to suppress a smile but your sleepy self has no strength to play these games. Throwing your arms around his neck, you tackle him back down onto the bed, pressing you lips to his. Each kiss is giggly and passionate, memorable.

-Stop reading here if you don't want to be emotionally unstable-

It was only 20 minutes since his plane departed when you got the call from the airline, but the feeling had already developed quickly and it was too strong to ignore.

"Hello? Is this Y/N?" Your brain was fuzzy, you had already heard the news but forced yourself to believe it wasn't true.

After mumbling response after response to all their questions they finally said the words. The undeniable words that made all your fears reality. "I'm so sorry, but there's been an accident. The plane that he was on had lost control and had crashed. They called the ambulance was too late. I am truly sorry for your-" you hung up before she could finish.

You had driven home and sulked up to your bed room. Looking through drawers that are no longer stuffed with his clothes, but lacking of the familiar scented material, only a few shirts and pants to fill the hole in your chest.

Grasping one of his shirts, you put it on.

Breathing in. Breathing out.

It smells just like him. His skin. His cologne. His body wash. It's all there but the only thing messing is his actual body. His mind, his voice. All gone. Here just this morning was all his components but now they were nothing but a memory. And all you had was that and a few damn shirts.

So you'd lay in that same bed you shared, you would be grasping his shirt, and thinking of all the memories. Soon the shirt would lose its scent, but the thoughts of him remained so vivid that you didn't need the cloth anymore. But the bed was still cold, messing his warmth and the potential for new memories.

___THE END___

I'm sorry I'm such a terrible person. You can yell at me if you'd like.

But it's okey because they are all alive and happy and this is just FICTION. FICTION. Look at the pic up top again. Or don't. I don't know. DONT LOOK AT THE PIC IM SONBING HARDER DONT JUST GO ON TWITTER AND THEY LITERALLY JUST TWEETED LIKE AN HOUR AGO JUST LIKE ITS ALL GOOD!!!!

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