Imagine• Visiting him in jail (c.h)

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I know this sounds weird.
It is going to be really weird.
And omfg I had so much fun writing it.
You have been warned.
A grey musk of smoke pushes past you as you open the door to the prison. You clutch your bag closely to your body, scared of the dark place and quite frankly unwilling to go.
When you spot Calum, you let out a deep sigh but suppress it when He looks up. His dark hair is an untamed mess on the top of his head and his eyes have lost all of their honey-like resemblance.
Taking a seat across from him, you find your heart breaking more. He looks absolutely miserable. That feeling pushes it self away with he looks at you.
His smile is warm but damaged and not filled with life like how you remember.
"Hey (Y/N)." He says in to the black phone. The glass separating you makes it hard to focus so you try to just focus on his voice instead. After doing so you frown realizing that his accent is starting to fade out.
"Hi, how are you doing?" you ask, eyeing up the orange jumpsuit that adorns his frame. Although the suit is baggy you can still tell he has lost weight by the faint outline of his ribs showing through the material.
Calum sighs deeply. "Well, I haven't showered in four days, I have gotten stripped searched twice today, and my burger was cold when I ate lunch. Other than that, I'm in tip top shape."
Your heart aches for him. "Cal, I wish there was something I could do-"
He notices your frown and speaks up,"No, don't worry about me. I like being smelly, it's fun and it fends of danger too!" he laughs.
Trying to make you smile he playful smells the orange jumpsuit and scrunches up his nose in disgust before giving a thumbs up. You giggle to yourself and shake your head.
"And the strip searches don't bother me. I pretty sure the officer who does them has the hots for me." Calum winks and your eyes widen. "He's married though."
You through your head back laughing this time.
"And as for the food..." Calum pauses to think before leaning closer to the glass. "It doesn't taste as magnificent as you do."
That comment was spoken quite loudly making a few an wanted eavesdroppers turn their heads to you two. You blush and playfully flip him off while stifling a laugh. Calum laughs to, seemingly proud of his vulgar remark.
"Calum!" you shriek.
"What?! I'm frustrated! My words are the only thing keeping me sane!" He laughs.
"You'll be out in a few days and you can release your frustration as you please..." You trail off surprised you have said something like that.
"Can't wait." Calum winks. "They said that I can't have my phone back for a few more months though." He sighs.
"Well...take this as a learning"
"Don't take nudes?" Calum asks, a ghost of a grin on his face.
"Yes, Cal." you sigh. "Don't take nudes."
"Unless I send them to you?"
"No! Don't take nudes at all."
"No promises." Calum winks and you groan.
There will be a "sequel" to this called "Calum getting released from jail" so yeah
Calum we love your nudes. dont stop

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