Ethel sighs. 'Kit, I'm too tired to go around in circles and do this gently so I'm going to get to the point. Your behaviour is erratic. You flinch every time someone comes near you, you watch everyone's movements and you always seek Zach out. Other's have noticed it. He's abusing you-'

'Zach isn't abusing me. He would never hurt me.'

'Sure he wouldn't,' Bo mutters. Is this the reason he's been acting weird? He thinks Zach is abusing me?

'Abuse doesn't have to be physical, it can be psychological too,' Roman adds.

'I'm sure it can but Zach isn't abusing me. Physically or psychologically.'

'Victims of abuse often won't admit the truth, Kit, as they can't see it for what it is,' Ethel says.

'Zach is not abusing me,' I repeat through gritted teeth.

'Tell us what you think is happening, sweetheart?' Doll says softly.

'I struggle with physical contact with strangers, that's all. I know for most it's normal but I can't stop myself from panicking.'

'Why did you leave your previous community?' Ethel asks.

'I had to. We had to.' I glance at Zach who's face is expressionless. When is he going to say something and fight our corner?

'Well, that contradicts the information I received. Yesterday morning, we were radioed by a leader of one of the communities. They told us a boy had coerced a girl into going against her community, her family and to run away with him. A boy who was known for being problematic and violent,' Ethel says crossing her arms in front of her chest as her eyes narrow on Zach.

'They're lying.' I gape at Ethel before glancing at Zach who's mouth presses into a tight line. Louisa is still trying to lie and contort people into believing her lies to cover her tracks.

'Did Zach not seek you out and make you go against everything you'd been brought up to follow?' Ethel asks.

'That's not how it happened.' I shake my head.

'Was he not the one who initiated first contact? Was he not the one who encouraged you to break the rules you'd adhered to your entire life?' Ethel sighs.

'That's not true,' I stammer. She's twisting everything, tainting all my memories with half-truths.

Ethel drops her arms to her side. 'He's set up everything to alter your perception and make you believe you wanted this; that you wanted to run away. But no one wants to leave their family and give up a caring and safe home. Did Zach tell you he's tried to run away before?'

I glance at Zach and he frowns but he still doesn't say anything. A wave of questions wash through me and I'm drowning in the unknown. Is what she's saying true? Zach isn't denying it. A sharp stab of hurt pierces me, does he not trust me? Or is there something else going on?

'He's clever and manipulative, Kit. He set it all up so you'd go with him-'

'No.' I clench my hands by my sides. 'I was exiled from my settlement because I broke the rules but that wasn't Zach's fault.'

Ethel crosses her arms. 'Your family want you back.'

'My family think I was exiled and have been told I died. And the Council Leaders from my settlement would never let me return. The people you are in contact with are called Techies. They're from Zach's settlement not mine,' I snap. Everything Ben and Louisa did rushes back, the memories of pain and hopelessness return and a surge of anger takes hold of me.

This is Louisa's way of getting me sent back. She's tricking people into believing Zach's hurting me, manipulating everyone.

'The Techies want me because I'm resistant to diseases including Virulence. Did they tell you that? Did they tell you, they'd been testing on me for weeks and Zach was the one to get me out?'

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